Also, probably the best if not a close 2nd best special reconnaissance unit in the entire U.S. military is the little known newest special operations unit to fall under the command ubrella of the U.S . God bless you all and Thank you. Oh and also airborne school is a joke and SERE school isn’t hard you are just really fucking hungry the whole time. The test is exactly what it sounds like: a student has to prove that he can procure food and water while alone in the wilderness. Nuke Power School (USN) should be on the list it’s the academic version of BUDS where one in three pass. If you have you’re probably low ranking never deployed. They all said they’d have preferred doing it the other way if they knew how it was. Army ranger school. I did a handful of cool guy schools. EXACTLY…MARSOC is a kick in the nuts…by any standard. Just off your high horse and give credit where it is due, all of these men put blood sweat and tears into these programs to do one job… Save lives and protect our freedom. You guys that are the real deal, I feel ya, Im shaking my head too. I will help to the end. This was interesting, the comments as well as the article. Related Article – Navy Cryptologic Technician Interpretive (CTI): Career Details. Can’t seem to find an accurate answer anywhere. My hat is off to all the people who even attempt them and more to those who make it. Yeah as far as academics go navy nuke school is on its own level. Theres difference between assessment and selection for example whn I enlisted I was fortunate enough to secure an 11X option 40 contract that guaranteed me a slot to Airborne School then RASP as long as I graduated 18 weeks of OSUT (MOS changed to 11B) and at least met the minimal qualifications in rifle marksmanship and PT score in the Option 40 contract which are a lot higher than the minimum required to earn blue infantry cord, cross rifles w/blue discs. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I was in Boot Camp with three older guys, two Army, one USAF. Now I’ve attended Airborne, Air Assault, Pathfinder, Ranger, Army Basic Sniper, Marine Scout Sniper, SF SOTIC level 1-2 (Special Forces Special Operations Target Interdiction)[Now called SF Sniper Course], Jungle Operations, SERE level C, Military Free Fall, Army Reconnaissance & Surveillance Leaders Course, Air Force Wilderness Survival, etc… the goes on and none were easy however, in my opinion which probably doesn’t have much value since there are so many top notch been to every spec ops type training in the military who seem to know everything yet seriously know far too little based on the majority of posts Ive had the pleasure to read and laugh at the most physically, mentally, emotionally, stressful, stamina & endurance testing, unnatural, overall most difficult, technical (other than the sniper schools/courses & SF Group/ ODA level sniper/marksmanship training as far as technical) and intellectually demanding schools I attended in the 15 years experience as an army special operations and U.S. SOCOM 75th Ranger Regiment Ranger, 7th SF Group, 10th SF Group green beret & Special Operations Sniper is hands down the Special Forces Combat Diver School & Combat Diver Qualifications Course. Copyright © 2021 I’m not sure about Delta, so it might be just as hard as SEAL, I don’t know. We were trained by some of the toughest SF instructors who fought in Vietnam. All hell!! Army Rangers are an elite light infantry unit. HooYah! No votes so far! If you want to wear the Green Beret like John Wayne you can skip the Hollywood career and endure some of the toughest training the US Military has to offer. I have no idea what these schools are like so im not going to say the army is better than the Marines. They are a Special Breed of men. Call the Green Berets. The Air Force are “pussys”? It’s all relative. you can earn additional cash every month with new monetization method. Likely the guy who could pass Navy bud/s could pass Army Special Forces. Phase II, Language and Culture training, sends the candidate to the Defense Language Institute for 18 to 25 weeks, depending on the language he was assigned. Here’s a quick snapshot of some of the differences: Army Rangers, just like Green Berets, are part of the United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM or SOCOM). I knew some high speed, low drag 12Bs that went there and came home with no tab. Using only a map and compass, Ranger candidates must make their way to an objective, working sometimes as a group and other times individually. If you make it through the Selection process where you answer questions about being a pirate, ninja or Viking to duck walking for miles in the forest you get the spend up to 2 years training to earn the feared long tab and a beard (when required). PJ in 1969. My sons sleep safe and free because of you. If I would have stayed in Special Forces, I most likely would have been in Delta. Pararescue School – US Air Force Call the Green Berets. (Hind Sight) As hardened as I once was, I was NOT a strong swimmer….hence, I would likely not have made it through some of the other courses. But passing SFPC and getting into the Q Course doesn’t mean you’re a Green Beret. They are all hard, by design it isn’t easy and it shouldn’t be. Navy Nuke School and prototype. But I had been thinking about moving over to the Navy. MY MAN!! These guys have to be crazy to pick this as a career. Lol. Yes, if you get out of the Marines for a long time, you will have to go through some entry training stuff, but not typically the entire basic route. Your email address will not be published. Most of the top and mid tier training is a “I am want to do this” type of training. Learn more about the differences between Green Berets and Army Rangers, including the requirements, overall mission, training, and more. They’ll tell you. More info on Plf. s.o.t.g. Because their Mountain Rescue training is tougher? I had the heart and was prepared to make it through Ranger School. (Weapons Expert) training. For thoseof you who dont know what you’re talking about and comunicating between on another either because you are posers stealing valor and years of hard work, loyalty, dedication, pain, loss, sacrifice, blood, sweat, tears and determination and damn near constant perfection from those who have lived and are currently living the life of a special operations or special warfare operator. So I tried Army FO and again, another MEPS doctor said no. We, the American Armed Forces, are a toolbox, full of different tools from the basic, like a screwdriver, up to the extreme, like a 3d printer. For you guys I saw talking about that. Get the over yourself, bitch. Actually its called Special Forces Combat Diver Couse & Combat Dive Qualifications Course however, yes you are correct the attrition rate is. UTD school in Key West was tough. Which makes sense, when you think about it, though we all posses abilities that can overlap, each has a specific mission to accomplish. However, we are still specialized for specific tasks. I have already given him the Gruntstyle Air Force shirt. He is 20 years old and a college level swimmer and water polo player. Related Article – Delta Force Vs. Navy SEALs. That’s from their own mouth. Bloomberg delivers business and markets news, data, analysis, and video to the world, featuring stories from Businessweek and Bloomberg News on everything pertaining to politics For a couple plus decades all USAF PJs had to complete Special Forces Dive School as part of their many required pipeline schools, untill that training was picked by the US Navy. Just different. Exactly same thing could be said about the Navy overall as could said about the AF overall – neither service has any strong involvement with Infantry and land warefare save Navy Coreman and AF TACP both assigned to infantry units. I got to serve of some of these elite warriors as a Drill Instructor and later trained with a few when I attended OCS and TBS. Actually only a nerd would make that correction, Nerd. Thanks for you service brother. No surprise that the Coast Guard wouldn’t be listed on here due to the unappreciated reputation these men and women have. Last but not least the Marine MARSOC Raider training isn’t no kind of a joke either. You’re all wrong, Armor schools the toughest among all, who else teaches our troops to drink all night and get up and run pt. Your email address will not be published. Thank you for being you. Kristen Griest said that evaluating women based on lower fitness standards would hurt women in the Army. For any grunt not to respect the blood sweat and tears of what it takes to even try to attend one of these schools…. Not saying which is hardest but they got rid of the stationary bike a long time ago. However, before a soldier even gets to the Q Course, he has to pass a 19-day pre-selection course called Special Forces Preparation and Conditioning (SFPC). If you are tough enough to make it through this process you can retire and write a book about it. Although the school no longer exists, MACV Redondo School should be on the list. It’s no joke. BTW, I haven’t tired to either. Show some fucking respect and then do your homework. I wanted to help them in a different way. Good stuff GT and valid. Now Delta, different story. I don’t believe that tells the whole story. Call the Army Rangers. Languages like Russian, Chinese, Korean, and Arabic had 75% + attrition rates. Most people couldn’t even qualify for the opportunity to attend one of these programs let alone complete one. But that doesn’t mean any of the schools are easy. I have noticed you don’t monetize, don’t waste your traffic, After training the canidates must attend and qualify a 6 month operators “Q” course similar to ACE’s CAG 1st SFOD-D “Delta Force” and its 6 month operator “Q” course. Your email address will not be published. None of the training listed is easy by any means. I’m sure if he were still with us…he would have gotten a sparkle in his eyes to have read your response, even though he would have said little to nothing as he quietly put down the read after he was finished. I wonder how low on the list Airborne school is. That being said I had a few cross trainers in my team who failed as well. Was Mr. Rogers A Navy SEAL In The Military? Had family members that were Marines, Army, friends who were Marines, Coast Guard and all that to say the training to be a PJ was the toughest. COMBAT dive school is tougher? I’m in the SOCM course now with a few fellow CQT grads plus SQTeam guys and the academics can’t rival any physical evolution you can be put through……all the 18D guys nowadays have to go through this school as part as the pipeline so I think they (and the SO’s) by far have the toughest pipeline in the whole armed forces, My two cents: Phase III, small unit tactics and SERE training, is probably the most infamous of all the phases. Navy SEALs. Just my experience. It’s go, go, go When I was a PJ, I was dropped to do 1500 push-ups, it took me two days to do them…. Hey academically US Navy Nuclear Field “A” School is tough to get through. They passed laws about guys like you. There is no room for error or you wash out the Army allows a man to recycle as long as he doesn’t voluntarily quit. Related Article – Army APFT Test Standards For Males and Females. All the classes were like that. And the suicide thing is no joke. I went to SCUBA school while in Special Forces. I know plenty of marines who wouldn’t be able to pass that test. What a load of BS. PJ training should NOT be number 5. Have a power plant in enemy territory that needs to be secured? Wow brother… If that is all true, thank you for your service… That is a lot of schooling. Number 1 may be difficult but its NOT a number 1. Related Article – Delta Force (SFOD-D): Selection, Training, Motto, and More. If I could do it all again and not be injured as I was, I would do it all over again. What they are identified by is the tan beret. All these teams have my respect…hell with which one is harder…I saw grown men crying in the basic infantryman school and the basic Jump school… let alone anyone of these other schools! Because of the nature of their operations, they are also likely involved in a wide variety of clandestine operations that go unreported to the American public. By the time a fleet marine gets noticed, and has the honor of being invited (cant request it and not part of enlistment contract) to one of our elite schools. 2. But this is how I would rate it: This training is nearly as brutal as BUDs physically and much harder mentally and academically. Barnard College, a women's college affiliated with Columbia University, is located in New York City's Manhattan borough. Information for research of yearly salaries, wage level, bonus and compensation data comparison. Although it helps. Plus u can pass the school but not get ur tab. I dont care what any of you say, it should be Army Special Forces. Nothing like seeing a prior ranger crying in the pool because he couldn’t hack it for the number one school on the list. This was the training school in Nha Trang, Vietnam, which was run by the Delta Project, 5th Special Forces Group, to train LRRP’s in Vietnam. After becoming completely qualified as an 18B I was assigned to an ODA. However, after deploying with Combat Engineers in two separate Operations, 5th Eng Bn/Desert Storm, 489th Eng Bn/Iraqi Freedom, I fully believe that Sapper school should be on that list. I was always super impressed with their professionalism and the respect they afford all the other services’ elite brothers. Required fields are marked *. Pool training at Fort Bragg was tough. HALO? Like Air Force Special Operations 2 year plus Pararesue School and training pipeline all 3 have a ridiculously high attrition rate. In the late 80s I was assigned to the 129nd (not as a PJ). Training includes everything from small unit team tactics to amphibious operations. Static line jumps, very different from the advanced course called HALO. ALL I will say is that my Daddy earned his too. Not every SF member is going learn Arabic, Farsi, Pashtu, or Dari (the most commonly used languages where Americans operate in the Middle East today). This is why so many drop out. And I’m sure that took a lot of intestinal fortitude. As for attrition rates. I served in the Navy, Army (SF) and USAF (PJ) 3 yrs, 4 months combat time. Work on the mass of Tanks all day long and party all night I don’t think you guys know what you’re talking about being a tank is the toughest. Everyone else had to go through SFAS. But it’s the individual that is picked for Delta. Thanks for that Art, I’ve made the necessary changes. Look it up, or better yet attend the school!!!!! We may earn a commission when you buy through links on our site. But I also will always be a tanker. But all those who graduate from Pararescue, SEAL’s, SF, Rangers, Force Recon, Coastguard swimmers, all have the same warrior’s heart and are the best of the best. Read a fucking book. The men going through this course are already some of the best and usually are ready for it. Whats that? Green Berets Vs. Rangers: 5 Major Differences. James you are a clown. In the end, who cares which is harder, I just thank God they’re all US. Take a bunch of guys who do their PT test on stationary bikes and put them in a tough school Id say attrition would be high. We love Grunt Style!! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Wearing the Tab was important, but not as much as the training that helped push me through some of life’s obstacles. US Army Special Forces Scuba School in Key West. Though Special Forces can trace their roots back to the beginning of the Korean War, the unit that we recognize today as the Green Berets officially started in the early sixties and the early stages of Vietnam. While both of these units are highly elite in their own right, the amount of specialized training it takes to be a Ranger is less than what it takes to be a Green Beret. I served with the 129th ARRS, Pararescue and the 5th Special Forces, A-502 and MACV-SOG, SOA-CCC 1-0 of Rt, Delaware 1970.
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