Music is copyright and credited to the hope this video helps some of the new players out there. Summoner doesn’t have as good PP management but lets Force focus more on serious single-target damage, making it great for bosses. Fighter/Hunter On the Hunter subclass I would focus on JA Bonus 1, JA Bonus 2, and Fury Stance. Q. Contained herein will be stat comparisons between races and genders, mag raising, … Summoner is a good sub-class alternative to Hunter or if you want to use Techs, but you won't get the same damage boosts. 3. She’ll give you a simple quest to defeat two enemies, and (upon your triumphant return) you will unlock the ability to sub-class. It sounds strange to take a ranged sub-class, but it has some skills which can help with PP recovery, aerial attacks, and even grant the ability to ramp up damage through combos. The best sub-classes for Gunner are Fighter or Hunter. As a Fighter, this will force you to switch up and cycle your photon arts so that you don't repeat the same photon art in a row which allows you to do more damage than a Hunter subclass regardless of your health. Techter can satisfy your hybrid mage craving by providing buff abilities and some offensive techs but doesn't offer much else. Sort by. Hunter is, once again, the most well-rounded choice since it provides damage and survivability. See a basic Gu/Fi build. Ranger (Ra) was once regarded as the best subclass for Gunner. Phantasy Star Online has nine classes that can be combined to suit your playstyle. It’s the obvious best choice, but there is another option. KEEP READING: Five Free-to-Play MMOs to Play With All Your Social Distanced Friends. Starting skill. The Class Master for Fighter is Ohza. Please wait around 5 to 10 minutes before quot-actually, just be wary that I edit my post often. Here we go over the most important key features I think one should know about in the Fighters Skill Tree in PSO2. For something different, try Braver. Te/Fi - Hybrid S and T-ATK build. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Phantasy Star Online 2 has an extremely versatile class system. If you’re looking for something a little less obvious, try pairing with Summoner. So I noticed quite a few people using Phantom as a subclass, so I started to wonder if it is really worth it. This isn’t a build breaking decision, so just choose the one you like. Subclass for fighter? However, while Hunter does have some degree of coverage in terms of range, the Fighter is much more limited, with all of its weapons typically having almost nonexi… 1. Like most things, Cofy can help you with that once you’ve hit level 20. Since no other class really uses offense Techs, its Skill Tree only works for itself. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. Like Force, Bouncer is not a good sub-class since many of its skills depend on its weapons and play style. The best subclass for Techter, like most, is Fighter or Hunter. The simulator has been updated, but when I open it the simulator seems to be buggy or outdated. You might have enough points to get the … 72% Upvoted. Thanks to this combination, our Braver/Hunter build performs very well both as a damage dealer and a pseudo-tank. The Best PSO2 Builds by Odealo . Increases the amount of iframes on Step. 1 Mixes Horror With Conspiracy Theory Paranoia, Assassin’s Creed: Blade of Shao Jun, Vol. Subclass for Fighter and skills to go with? Another choice is Braver but you get less utility and less damage. ArcaneTechs. Introduction. Since then, main class-only 13★ weapons and 10% bonus made that go out of fashion. A bunch of them don't even cost points, only levels. When paired with Fighter, Gunner has the highest damage output in PSO2. Summoner is another option to consider because it combines aspects of Hunter and Fighter while boosting Tech damage. Techter offers the most useful skills, rounding out elemental bonuses and boosting PP recovery. 1 Tells a Fun, but Familiar Tale, Two Moons #1 Brings Supernatural Horror into the Heart of the Civil War, WandaVision Is Setting Up Someone Worse Than Mephisto, Superman: House of El Adds a Lantern to the Man of Steel's Family. PSO2 … PSO2 Builds Guide by UnLucky Welcome to the build guide, your one stop shop on every permanent decision affecting your character’s performance! So, if you’re looking for the best match for your main class or just something interesting that works, we have some suggestions. Close. Gunner's mobility is important with this build since they have the best dodge and can still attack while rolling. It has excellent weak point damage, along with some utility like traps and Weak Bullet. Increases your base max HP. It has a general damage boost skill but you can get more out of Fighter unless you want to play it safe. Allows you to attack immediately after Step. 7 comments. There’s one thing you need to do before choosing a sub-class, though, and that’s get your sub-class license. The main benefits from Fighter comes from Brave Stance, PP Slayer, and Tech Arts JA. So you want to be Kirito! 1. Most of the action and style specific skills I think will be better in a gameplay explanation instead of here, so that's where they'll go. Fighter boosts damage, rounding out Hunter for solo missions while being able to stand with other classes’ damage output on Urgent Quests. Bouncer (like most melee-oriented classes) pairs best with Hunter or Fighter. If you are saving builds locally, make sure you do not delete your cookies by deselecting that option. It has a lot of straight damage buffs and a lot … But we can’t really figure this out without some actual numbers. Fighter can be tricky to master with Bouncer's play style. Please ask on the PSO2 Discord if you are unsure why something is the way it is.. Hunter/Fighter – Fighter/Hunter – Ranger/Hunter – Gunner/Hunter – Force/Techter – … Hunter doesn't offer as much attack as Fighter but adds more durability. Fighter/Hunter DPS build for PSO2. 1. The two best sub-class options for Ranger are Hunter or Fighter. Bouncer can wield gunslashes, dual blades, and jet boots, and can use the corresponding photon arts as well as techniques. Introduction. level 1. Fighter multi (Front + PP Slayer): 1.7. Fighter Class Advice. Twilight: Who Was the Buffy Big Bad Who Never Appeared on TV? The best sub-classes for Gunner are Fighter or Hunter. The Best Gunner/Hunter DPS Build for PSO2 Optimal and well-rounded setup for the Gunner DPS character in Phantasy Star Online 2 second only to Gunner/Fighter in terms of raw numbers . A subclass in Phantasy Star Online 2 is a second class chosen to augment a character's main class. With Fighter’s damage skills, you can take down just about anything, but anything can also take you down if you aren’t careful. When knocked down, press the Jumpkey at the moment you hit the ground to get up instantly. Here we go over the most important key features I think one should know before playing the Fighter class in PSO2. However, you may be able to find a niche use for it. As for Fi/Gu, once upon a time, Fighter was the universal main class. RELATED: League of Legends' Most Interesting Off-Meta Champion Picks That Work. Fighter is the most popular and the deadliest Melee class in Phantasy Star Online 2. When not gaming she dons capes for writing, creating digital art, and sometimes game development. For something off-brand, you could try Gunner as a sub-class. This is using the skills as of July 2019 … Luster's skill tree is very straightforward. What are some good classes/skill builds to use as the sub for a fighter? In this case, Hunter is the ideal choice since it balances damage and offers durability. If you wish to use the Bouncer Jet boots for mobility and support skills. Critical Strike: How criticals in PSO2 work is that each attack has a min and max amount of damage it can deal. If you want to get the most out of your melee character, Fi/Hu is the best build. Fighter will let you lay into enemies with your wand while boosting your Photonic Fury and Techs. Fighter Class Advice. Keep in mind that there are some Jetboots which can be used by other classes. The Sub Class of choice of this Braver build is the Hunter, as he provides a healthy portion of both offense and defense to Braver's already impressive toolkit. But if u take mpa with a lot boses in 1 time, and if FI have war cry lv10 ,FI win, PSO-2 Info: Ship: 2; ID: セツナヤキ; MCN: ケイリン. Ranger is also a good choice because of its ranged skills and provides some utility options that Gunner doesn’t have. Fighter is geared towards quick, short-range combat, using a … Help! Posted by 1 year ago. Paired up … Tired of beating things to death with a giant sword. Fighter is always a damage option, but you’ll be hurting for PP when casting. Knuckle Fighter’s signature move! An avid gamer with a poochy sidekick living in Ontario, Canada. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Fighter will turn your Ranger into a glass cannon. On the other hand, it probably has the shortest range in the game too. If this is your first visit, be sure to The Sub Class of choice for our Force build is the Techter, as he, also being a Technique-focused Class, provides the highest "magic" damage boost to our Technique attacks. You would likely want to look into the low photon points skill too to get that maxed out so that you can gain a buff for your photon points being below halfway and also … Justice League: Zack Snyder Explains Why the Episodic Release Was Canceled, The Walking Dead Season 10, Episode 17, 'Home Sweet Home' Recap & Spoilers, The Walking Dead Introduces the Show’s Next Big Threat, Punisher: How Netflix's Most Brutal Marvel Villain Joined the Thunderbolts, Jujutsu Kaisen: Gojo’s Show-Stopping Attack ANNIHILATES the Cursed Spirits, The Mandalorian Immortalizes Ahsoka's Debut With a Stunning Glow-in-the-Dark Poster, X-Men: Marvel Just Killed Krakoa's Most Highly Evolved Enemies In a Flash. Force is not a good subclass, no matter how much you may want to use a hybrid caster. best. Braver acts like a weaker version of Fighter, but you won’t be taken down as easily. And if you want a magical cowboy (or girl) Summoner is your pick. Like FiRa (heard it was good for GS users, but haven't tried it myself), By jwGary in forum PSO2: Gameplay, Guides & Walkthroughs, By Narugami in forum PSO2: Gameplay, Guides & Walkthroughs, By panzer_unit in forum PSU: Gameplay, Guides & Walkthroughs. To cast Techs with the right bow or a katana, try Summoner or Techter to make it a jack-of-all classes. PSO-World is the world's largest Phantasy Star community website offering discussion forums, guides, and news for online Phantasy Star games. Luster Voltage, Voltage Bonus,… Increases your base DEX stat. Starting skill. I used 4000 atk as a high estimate) Do note that Et JA Bonus needs you to JA, while Same Arts PP Save AND Tech Arts Count Bonus do not (but you should still try to … It’s a fun niche option that works best with partisans for casting. You won’t get the same damage output, but you will get the ability to use Techs. Just getting started with mine and I haven't messed with subclass much May 16, 2016, 03:17 PM #2. Fighters are special because this skill lets them get more damage from critical hits past the max. Hunter will provide even more durability while you buff yourself and heal, making a Techter almost unkillable. Fighter multi (Front TAJA + PP Slayer): 1.95 (Note: PP Slayer would scale differently depending on your total attack, the higher your attack, the less effective it would be. Hunter doesn't offer as much attack as Fighter … This seems to be the most obvious subclass, and it would simply increase the damage output of the Fighter class, plain and simple. With that said, below are my thoughts on each subclass combination. 1 Is a Clever Isekai Subversion, The Next Batman: Second Son #1 Shows the Origins of the Future Dark Knight, Department of Truth Vol. Perform a quick backhand smash. Hunter, itself as a sub-class, lends its survivability skills to any main class and can even out damage for classes with skills that require certain criteria for consistent damage. Hunter is the easier path since it gives Rangers needed durability while firing shots. Hunter doesn't offer as much attack as Fighter but adds more durability. With only two pure melee classes in the game currently, it makes sense that Fighter is the best sub-class for Hunter. As a sub-class, Gunner doesn’t offer too many useful skills. Not as powerful Fo/Te mind you but it's still good enough to be considered viable and the added versitility with Techs (and simple compound techs) covers most weaknesses of Te, like the … Gunner is a very aggressive Ranged Class (think Fighter with … Hunter/Fighter (<- Click for skill tree) Fighter is your safest choice for subclass. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Summoner can also boost a Hunter’s defense further, making an even tougher main. You can choose between Automate or Never Give Up to have even more survivability when Katana Combat is down. Hey, my friend uses dual saber, what are the best PA's for him to use. This requirement has since been removed. It’s worth a thought. More defensive options than others, but selecting them is not necessary most of the best beginner in! Increases your base S-ATK stat. Archived. I decided to start putting down all the multipliers and other stats from subclasses to make it easier for myself to figure this out and thought I might as well share this. Ranger. Spider-Man: An MCU Villain Knows EXACTLY What Kindred Is, Phantasy Star Online 2: The Best Sub-Classes (and How to Unlock Them), Phantasy Star Online 2: The Best Classes For Beginners, The Final Fantasy VII Demo Foreshadows a Great Remake of the Classic Game, League of Legends' Most Interesting Off-Meta Champion Picks That Work, Five Free-to-Play MMOs to Play With All Your Social Distanced Friends, WandaVision Just Turned [SPOILER] Into the Ultimate Killer, Superman & Lois Are Attending Family Therapy, Star Trek's Most Iconic Technology Exists Because of Budget Constraints, Every Super Mario Bros. 35 Product Being Discontinued This Month, Sopranos' Finale: 5 Details From the Final Scene That Settle the Debate About Tony's Fate, Marvel's Voices: Legacy #1 Brings Deserved Stories to the Spotlight, The Executioner and Her Way of Life, Vol. There are some great combinations, but not all of them work well together, and some you wouldn't expect. Guide notes: May 29, 2020-Build created . *editing post intensifies. Make sure you do this with Tech Arts PP Save and … For katanas, Fighter is the better option since it can maximize melee attacks. When paired with Fighter, Gunner has the highest damage output in PSO2. If you’re just learning how to play Summoner, then Braver is another good option. share. Fighters are a specific subset of the Hunter; they were originally an "expert" class that needed to be unlocked by training the Hunter class to a certain Level. Guide notes: May 29, 2020-Build created . PSU-PC/PS2: T> Storm Line 34% light for fighter armor, Welcome to PSO-World! Hunter is to Fighter as Force is to Techter. Since it relies on Pet damage, most classes don’t offer much for Summoners, but Fighter is the best sub-class. Our Subclass of choice for this Techter build is Hunter, as he boosts our DPS and takes the build's survivability to a whole new level; skills like Hunter Physique, Auto-Mate Half, and Iron Will combined with Hunter's offensive toolkit turn Techter into a walking support bunker that can deal very respectable melee AoE Damage if needed. This thread is archived. So I'm a Spider Finds a Clever Use for Wakaba's 'Weakest' Attack - But Is It Enough? If you want something more creative, try pairing it with Summoner to gain Techs or synergize your ranged skills with Braver. save hide report. Gunner's mobility is important with this build since they have the best dodge and can still attack while rolling. check out the. Grab an All-Classes katana to trigger Photonic Fury faster and cast with it too. Can be used in any direction. WandaVision Takes a Cruel Shot at Wanda's Magically Recurring Accent. Hunter stances boost a Fighter’s damage even further, and the general tankiness of the Hunter lets a Fighter live longer when risking it all for those big damage numbers. However, skill conditions can make it tricky to use. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Articles View Gallery Uploads Tahxic Post Star Join Date Dec 2012 Posts 4,709. RELATED: Phantasy Star Online 2: The Best Classes For Beginners. Starting skill. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Fighter is another common sub-class since it offers a big damage boost to any main class and can make damage more versatile all-around with its stances. Gunner/Hunter DPS build for PSO2. Fighter is one of nine playable classes in Phantasy Star Online 2.Alongside Gunner and Techer, this class was once locked behind two Client Orders (offered by Ohza), but is now freely available; players may not start a new character with this class, but they may switch to it from the very beginning at the Class Counter.. The skill tree and photon arts of the subclass become fully usable, but some skills and photon arts may function with a type of weapon normally restricted to the main class, requiring use of a rare weapon without normal class restrictions. Increases your base S-DEF stat. Increases the duration per tick of Shifta and … As a sub-class, Rangers don’t offer much to play styles that aren’t ranged, since that's what their skills focus on. Also loves metal music, horror movies, and a good book. It's the risk and reward type of character, which puts yourself in danger while unleashing its destructive force to obliterate enemies in a very close range. Your damage won't be as good, so once you get comfortable, you’ll probably want to switch. If you don’t want a melee sub-class, Summoner is an option almost on par with Hunter. Use this PA for quick bursts of damage on bosses if you can manage to get into range. Criticals guarantee the max amount. This is one of the fastest, big hitting PAs in the game. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. A. Help! This Subclass choice makes our build a great … This makes critical related skills more valuable for Fighter mains. Techter's skills also increase the build's group support potential. It's the most common sub-class you'll encounter. Press the Dodgekey to do a fast step that has iframes. The Best PSO2 Builds by Odealo . This could be in terms of DPS and Damage per instance . If you love your bow, Ranger provides skills to increase ranged damage. Here are the best ones and how to unlock them. For players starting out, Hunter (Hu) is the almost-universal subclass. RELATED: The Final Fantasy VII Demo Foreshadows a Great Remake of the Classic Game. You have to get really close to the enemy to use this. All classes can be paired and tailored to fit your personal playstyle, even if it's niche. Fighter excels in melee combat at close range, much like the Hunter class. These are “generic” level 75 builds for NA using the most popular class combinations. Here are some details about some of the key skills. There are better options than Braver for sub-classes. Hunter is best sub for Fighter … Like above, the best subclass for a Fighter is Hunter. The best sub-classes for Braver are Hunter and Ranger, though Fighter is suitable too. Clear your browser cache. Normal attacks and Tech explosions are slightly weaker than Te/Hu but Techs and Coumpound Damage are at a much more respectable spot.
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