We will also explore a method to expand their capabilities to reference non-numeric values. Selected Values is used whenever you use the What If feature in Power BI Desktop. So how I created the Dynamic Legend in Power BI Visual, Line Chart : ... Then I chose the slicer column as the value in my Slicer visual and allowed slicer to have multiple selections. There are currently two ways to achieve this, using DAX logic to create a dynamic slicer, and using dynamic M Query parameters in Power BI. I came across an interesting request last week from someone who wanted to dynamically control columns shown in a Power BI table visual - based on the values within each table. Power BI - DAX measure. Based on slicer selection create dynamic calculated table in Power BI. A slicer is a filter. So if you put the "Banner" column into a slicer, and choose the "Bottle-o Excl Wholesaler", it will filter all the measures and visuals used on that page. Refer the below gif, With the above steps, you can set the dynamic titles for visuals. Slicer selections affect measures and visuals, unless you explicitly tell it not to. 0. There are lots of blogs showing different techniques on dynamic columns, but the requirement here was to base the decision on whether to show… In fact…if you look at my screenshots above, the Rolling Avg Months & Expense Ratio What Ifs are attached to Selected Values measures. Dynamic M Query parameters was recently introduced by the Power BI team for this purpose. Selected Values works like this, you give it a column reference, let’s say [Column A]. Then when you select a value in your slicer, the Message card and the Message Blank cards will become transparent, so your Bar Chart will appear to have materialised based on the selection, and your bars will remain fully interactive, allowing you to mouse over for tool-tips, or click a bar for cross-filtering. Let’s review how to effectively use Power BI parameters to facilitate dynamic calculations. The selected value in the slicer can be referenced to create dynamic calculations. Calculated columns and calculated tables are evaluated once when the data is first loaded and are static until the data is refreshed. Please feel free to reach Cittabase for more information. When you select a value from a slicer, it will affect everything on the page. Then in the visual, I have used all measures as values, so based on the slicer selection it shows the trend line. In this example below I am going to show you how I used a Country slicer to dynamically change the title of my card based on my slicer selections. Select the measure in Based on field drop-down menu. Dynamic Measure Selection in Power BI. Sometimes there is a requirement to ensure all slicers are represented in a single slicer selector in Power BI reports. A defined parameter may be added to a Power BI report as a slicer. At some cases, you will not be able to view all the selected values, when you have a drop-down slicer or a list slicer with many values. ... We then add the Select measure column to the values tab of a slicer. Initial value of Power BI slicer based on another slicer choice. Click OK. We also make sure that single selection is enabled in the properties of the slicer to make sure that the user is able to make only one selection at a time. Change the Column or Measure Value in a Power BI Visual by Selection of the Slicer: Parameter Table Pattern Posted on July 16, 2020 July 16, 2020 by Reza Rad The trick I am about to explain in this article is used in many samples, and it is not a new trick.

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