//90 degrees east and pitched up 90 degrees (straight up), // from now on we'll be able to change steering by just assigning a new value to MYSTEER. With some simple checks of the time to apoapsis and the orbital velocity, you can execute a burn that circularizes your orbit. you may find yourself learning a lot by accident as you play gravity turn? If the velocity is below 100m/s, it will continuously execute the first block of instructions. .craft file here. Sucks that KSP will be an even bigger time sink now that I can combine two of my hobbies (KSP and coding). The archive is conceptually stored somewhere back at Kerbin home base in the Space Center rather than on your vessel. Here's the tutorial for designing a PID controller for a hovering rocket that I promised a while back. Why DO is mandatory¶. But in order to give you an example that you can start with from scratch, that’s easy to reload and retry from an initial point, we’ll use an example of launching. This way, you can keep your vessel 100% stock and still use kOS. langauge called kerboscript. This update is mostly to make kOS compatible with KSP 1.8.x, which started using a newer version of Unity, and a newer version of .Net, which have some consequent changes in the code and build process. By default, when you launch a new vessel, the currently selected VOLUME is called “1” and it’s the volume that’s stored on THAT SCS part that you are running all these commands in. It is a backward port of the most recent version, just for those users who cannot update their KSP game to version 1.3.1. Each cycle, it will check each of the IF, //statements inside and perform them if their conditions, //Each successive IF statement checks to see if our velocity, //is within a 100m/s block and adjusts our heading down another, //Beyond 800m/s, we can keep facing towards 10 degrees above the horizon and wait, //for the main loop to recognize that our apoapsis is above 100km, "100km apoapsis reached, cutting throttle", //At this point, our apoapsis is above 100km and our main loop has ended. It doesn’t control the steering and it just lets it go where ever it will. Once a kOS script just ends, it releases all the controls. For example: Each time this loop iterates, it will check the surface velocity. Each IF statement you see in the script below Hey everyone. This time you should see it activate your later upper stages correctly. This script just stupidly leaves the throttle at max the whole way. The quick and dirty explanation is that a WHEN section is a short section of code that you set up to run LATER rather than right now. Check this site out when trying new code, you might find some great ideas and shortcuts. programming, what Kerbal Space Program itself is to rocket science. It does something now! still be able to hold your interest. ALSO, it actually exists across saved games - if you launch one saved game, put a new file in the Archive, and then later launch a different saved game, that file will be there in that game too. Tutorial with example - Conversion from Directions to XYZs Prior to verison 0.61 of KOS In version 0.61 of KOS and above. All commands in kOS are ended with a period. kOS, or Kerbal Operating System, is a community-supported A bit of a disappointment, but we haven’t written the rest of the program yet. tutorial, but be aware that this feature exists and it’s one you will learn about the specific difference between them later here. // should be the default already, but just in case. This mod is not known to work with the latest version of Kerbal Space Program. If your craft crashed in the previous step, which it probably did, then revert to the VAB and re-launch it. 3. land in vacuum (landv), same script for Mun and Minmus 4. highly accurate maneuver node execution program (exenode). According to the KSP standard, normally KSP mods should put their files in GameData/[mod name], but kOS puts the archive outside the GameData folder because it represents content owned by you, the player, not content owned by the kOS mod. This series aims to teach you how to write your own scripts, starting at the absolute basics. That said, I would think it should work similarly to how I manually do it. Yes. You don’t have to know what you’re doing to get started, but you may find yourself learning a lot by accident as you play with it. You could have just run it directly from the archive. The do-it-yourself autopilot¶. Proceed with caution. In these examples you never actually have to type in the things you see after the slashes. The program isn’t running on You should now see an old-school looking text terminal like the one shown below. The terminal will respond by showing you this: (Don’t forget the period (”.”). kOS is a mod that allows you to write scripts to control your craft in Kerbal Space Program. You could change the steering logic to make a more smooth gravity turn by constantly adjusting the pitch in the HEADING according to some math formula. // pause half a second between stage attempts. kOS is meant to scale If you transfer your purchase to Steam, you will no longer be able to download or update the game from the KSP Store. Those are comments in the Kerboscript language and they’re just ways to write things in the program that don’t do anything - they’re there for humans like you to read so you understand what’s going on. The script will then end. Remove any prior installations of this package before installing to prevent incompatibilities with older parts. Released on 2019-11-02. v1.2 Unity Update. If the origin is at the Sun, and you're all the way out by Eeloo counting your coordinates in units of meters, then your coordinates will all be extremely large numbers and therefore they will have a lot of floating point error in them. Okay, so type the lines below in an external text editor of your choice (i.e. You don’t have to know what you’re doing to get started, but You don’t have to do so right now to follow this Go ahead and give it a try. commands are slightly different but should have the same effect. Example - Simple Autolaunch Example - More Complex Launch Sequence Example - Launch Sequence Utilizing Loops Tutorial - XYZ system of KSP (Needed to make sense of some of the data coming out of KOS). Adding additional IF statements inside our main loop will allow us to perform further actions based on our velocity. Note that if you do qualify for a transfer and choose to do it, the process is OPTIONAL and IRREVERSIBLE. Can’t I save it somewhere better? mod for the popular game We now have every element of the script necessary to do a proper (albeit simple) gravity turn. Official Documentation: This is the repository of all the capabilities that kOS has. DO NOT save it anywhere under GameData/kOS/. small simple things with it, and get more and more into using its This is usually a much better practice once you start doing more complex things with kOS. For example: This loop will continue to execute all of its instructions until the apoapsis reaches 100km. It should look like this, showing you the HELLO program you just wrote: This is a list of all the files on the currently selected VOLUME. Using the PRINT AT command, you can make fancier status readouts in the terminal window as the script runs. They’re there for your benefit when reading this document but you can leave them out if you wish.
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