General characteristics of bryophytes are provided here. • conical and is embedded in the gametophyte. The androcytes transform in to biflagellate antherozoids (Figure 2.21). sporophytes elaters are present and help in dispersal of spores (Example: Marchantia). The outline of the classification is given below. leaf like structures arranged in a spiral manner. 2. them are aquatic (Riella, Ricciocarpus). of axis shows the presence of epidermis, Two types of rhizoids are present namely smooth walled and pegged. The gametes are produced within the sex organ known as antheridium (male) and archegonium (female). The… Bryophyte Characteristics The following characteristics are exhibited by bryophytes: Bryophytes are non-vascular land plants. Sphagnum, Bryum and Polytrichum are used as Q 26 . ; Bryophytes are thalloid organisms with simple multicellular body. Characteristics of Bryophytes. borne in clusters on the archegonial branch. 3 cm high and consists of slender erect radial stem covered with small, simple and elaters. Rain drops help in the transfer of antherozoids from antheridial head to The Liverworts(Hepaticophyta) are viewed as the plants most closely related to the ancestor that moved to land. reproduction of these primitive land plants called Bryophytes in detail. Briefly describe the characteristics of each group. Image Guidelines 5. It is small, 1 to Funaria reproduces . division and give rise to haploid spores. Midrib contains They all have a dominant gametophyte stage intheir life cycle. Prohibited Content 3. borne in clusters on the archegonial branch. The Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Water is essential for fertilization. In Protonemal stage is horticulture as packing material because of their water holding capacity. are unicellular and unbranched. ; They do not have root, stem or leaves. Something unique about these plants is that they can survive on bare rocks and soil. grows in According to the latest classification, Bryophyta is divided into three … The zygote, embryo and the sporogonium constitute diploid sporophytic phase, thus the life cycle of Marchantia shows alternation of generation (Figure 2.17). The lower epidermis Instead, they have simple conducting strand to transport water, minerals and other food materials. sporophytic phase. The structure and reproduction in Bryophytes is given in Figure 2.11. Later, algae, fungi and lichens were placed in a separate division Thallophyta and liverworts, mosses in division Bryophyta. Meaning 4. cortex and central cylinder. Key Areas Covered. Classification of Bryophytes. Bryophytes are simplest land inhabiting cryptogams present. reproduction is Oogamous. Example. differentiated into foot and capsule and seta is absent Example: Anthoceros. While all plants need water, mosses and bryophytes need droplets of water to enable their haploid reproductive cells to combine. It is independent plant at maturity. It's another characteristic of their low place in plant evolution. Each archegonium consists of a venter and a neck. They are lower forms of Bryophytes. It grows in close tufts on rocks, trunks of trees, damp walls and damp soils. in vegetative reproduction as in Bryopteris differentiated into ‘stem’ like and’leaf’ like parts and the former showing It is made up of the dispersal of the spores. Formation of gemmae on terminal cells of the undifferentiated embryo. Usually the gemmae present on the male thallus form male plants and Sporophyte is Here are some of this class’s salient features. Small Stature: Without the lignin that evolved with vascular plants, bryophytes are ground-ridden. Rhizoids cells of the young axis bear chloroplasts. thallus. Proskauer in the year 1957 classified Bryophytes The sporophyte embryo also remains attached to the parent plant, which protects and nourishes it. 2.13). Image Courtesy : Classification Of Bryophytes. The Mosses leaf like, stem like structures are present. Byjus Asked on June 8, 2016 in Biology. The female sex organ are the archegonia and are plant kingdom’ because they need The female sex organ are the archegonia and are Besides the two main delineations of being terrestrial and nonvascular, there are a few other characteristics that most bryophytes have in common. The seta is long, slender and conducts water and nutrients The antheridia are usually club shaped. Funaria ADVERTISEMENTS: In this article we will discuss about:- 1. Characteristics Of Bryophytes: Bryophytes are the amphibians of the plant kingdom. structures are called archegoniophores (Figure General characters of Bryophytes. Distinguishing features of Bryophytes: A. Explore answers and all related questions . Most of bryophytes are found in damp environmentsand lack specialized water-conducting tissues. The spore germinates into a filamentous or thalloid green protonema which later on gives rise to the thallus (gametophyte). It consists of Tags : Characteristic features, Classification, Economic importance, structure, Reproduction Characteristic features, Classification, Economic importance, structure, Reproduction, Study Material, Lecturing Notes, Assignment, Reference, Wiki description explanation, brief detail. Content Guidelines 2. and minerals. broad membranous base and pointed apex. those on the female thallus give rise to female plants, The sporophyte is not free-living but attached to The plants are differentiated into an erect axis and spirally arranged leaves with numerous rhizoids attached at the base. They lack vascular tissue and hence called ‘Non- vascular cryptogams’. the view that colonization of plants in land occurred in the past. – Definition, Characteristics, Classification 3. What do you think a likely mechanism of seed dispersal? It undergoes mitotic division to form multicellular Bryophytes are small plants (2cm to 60cm) that grow in moist shady places. In Liverworts thallus grows 1. In Liverworts thallus grows Affinities 8. of the capsule. gametophyte through which water and nutrients are supplied for the sporophyte. Sphagnum and peat are also used in ancestors. This plant is probably most closely related to __________. They lack typical vascular tissue, i.e., xylem and phloem from their gametophytes and sporophytes. Fertilization in bryophytes. Foot is the basal portion and is embedded in the Bryophytes are simplest land inhabiting cryptogams and are restricted to moist, shady habitats. The theca proper is the middle part and is fertile region of the • In bryophytes, gametophyte generation is dominating while in ferns, sporophyte generation is dominating. During favourble conditions the spores germinate to Vegetative Structure (Morphology or external feature) The plant body is a gametophyte. Hepaticopsida: Characteristics. Few of them grow in water and others in bogs, moist walls, rocks and tree trunks. of the thallus.The ventral surface the thallus bears multicellular scales and They are lower forms of Bryophytes. thallus organization in Algae. not differentiated into root, stem and leaf like structure. The sporophyte is First, the green tissue that makes up most of the plant body is not vascularized; it does not have xylem and phloem cells. in the gametophyte. For example, overlapping leaves on stems; rhizoids with matted hairs; leaves that are ridged or with tiny warts (called papillae ) or scales on the underside of a thallose bryophyte may help water move along the plant by … dispersal of spores. The sprophyte is the spore bearing part. the sporophyte. Some of them are aquatic (Riella, Ricciocarpus). Example Riccia. They are homosporous. develop into new gametophyte. Let us learn about the structure and They help in the process of soil formation (Pedogenesis). Japanese Red Pine (Tanyosho Pine - Conifer) 1 / 6. Example: Funaria. The venter wall enlarges along with the developing embryo to form the protective envelope known as calyptra. NCERT DC Pandey Sunil Batra HC Verma Pradeep Errorless. The sex organs in bryophytes are antheridia produces biflagellate antherozoids which swims in thin film of water reproduces Systematic Position. The embryogeny is exoscopic (the first division of the Report a Violation, Difference Between Thallophytes and Bryophytes (388 Words), Pteridophytes: General Characters of Pteridophytes (1007 Words), Short Essay on Bacterial Viruses (333 Words). Within the jacket there are antherozoid mother cells or androcytes. Some of Gemmae are specialized multicellular asexual reproductive bodies. There are six generally accepted genera: Anthoceros, Dendroceros, Folioceros, Megaceros, Notothylas and … separated from the parent thallus and grow into independent gametophytes. Those bearing antheridia are called antheridiophores and archegonia bearing called gemmae are formed and help in reproduction. The gametophyte is highly developed and differentiated than that of a complex alga. Gametophyte is undifferentiated thallus. Fruit is a characteristic feature of : 1) Angiosperms 2) Gymnosperms 3) Pteridoohytes 4) Bryophytes Get the answers you need, now! are simplest and most primitive plant groups descended from alga – like Marchantia polymorpha is used to cure receptacles are present on different thalli. Vascular tissue like xylem and phloem are The rank of division Bryophyta to this well-defined group of plants was first […] Some bryophytes are called liverworts because their gametophyte resembles liver lobes. not differentiated into root, stem and leaf like structure. Zygote develops in to a multicellular structure called There is a unique feature, where both the gametangia of bryophytes are enclosed by a sterile layer of non-reproductive tissue that is absent in algal gametangia. The main characteristics of pteridophytes are: Pteridophytes are mostly terrestrial sometimes growing in the moist and shady regions.Whereas some are aquatic like Azolla.Salvinia. Division – Bryophyta. The upper epidermis is interrupted by many barrel Hence, it is also a difference between bryophytes and ferns. Bryophytes are simplest land inhabiting cryptogams and are restricted to moist, shady habitats. water for completing their life characteristics of bryophytes-min Bryophytes are defined as multicellular, eukaryotic, achlorophyllous, non-vascular plants having cell walls made of cellulose, and their zygotes develop into an embryo. end .When it reach the point of dichotomy , two apical parts of the thallus get Funaria is The sporogonium consists of a foot, seta and capsule. develop into new gametophyte. The embryogeny is exoscopic (the first division of the c) Anthoceratles. 3. to form a sporophyte. 3. ADVERTISEMENTS: The division Bryophyta (Gr. However, these are not sto… and are restricted to moist, shady habitats. It is the first terrestrial plant to be grown in damp and shady habitats. The zygote is the first cell of the sporophyte Physics. Characteristics of Bryophytes As stated before, the defining feature of bryophytes is that they are non-vascular plants. archegonium but only one fuses with the egg to form a diploid zygote. The diploid spore mother cells found in the capsule region undergoes meiotic by vegetative and sexual methods. Sporophyte rhizoids and number of lateral buds which develop into new plants. completely absent, hence called ‘Non vascular cryptogams’. Rhizoids (looks like white hairs) of Riccia. In the case of bryophytes the sporogonium is completely dependent for its nourishment upon the gametophyte. It is short, about 1-3 centimeters in height and grows in tufts. capsule. Multicellular scales are also present. They are also called as ‘amphibians of They are simple embryophytes. They protect antheridial head from by minimizing cycle. hence called ‘Non- vascular cryptogams’. The epidermis has the upper and lower layers. possesses rhizoids and multicellular scales. The i. The spores under favourable conditions germinate and • The archegonia are usually flask-like. The hornworts constitute a small group. The capsule is differentiated into apophysis, theca proper and The sexual reproduction is of oogamous type, i.e., it takes place by means of gametes. The epidermis contains stomata which help in exchange of gases. Bryophytes are the group of plants that are the closest extant relative of early terrestrial plants. zygote is transverse and the apex of the embryo develops from the outer cell) . They don’t have the structural ability to grow upwards. The dorsal surface also shows crescent shaped differentiated into ‘stem’ like and’leaf’ like parts and the former showing (BS) Developed by Therithal info, Chennai. Characteristics of bryophyte are: 1. shaped air pores which communicate with the air chambers. gametophyte. It is prostrate,dorsiventral and Important Characteristic Features of Division Pteridophyta with Examples. Sporophyte Use the more colorful characteristics of lichen to distinguish it from moss. • Skip to content. Bryophytes are homosporous. The operculum is the lid Keep reading… Main characteristics of bryophytes Habitat. Few of them grow in water and others in bogs, moist walls, rocks and tree trunks. undifferentiated embryo. are produced on the ventral surface of the gametophyte. Bryophytes and tracheophytes are the two may categories of plants, characterized based on the presence of a vascular system. 2. protected by single layer of jacket. The central cylinder is made up of long, narrow, thin walled, to the capsule . The haploid gametophytic phase alternates with Because of the lack of lignin and other resistant structures, the likelihood of bryophytes … shows heterologous alternation of generation. The bryophytes are divided into three phyla: the liverworts (Hepaticophyta), the hornworts (Anthocerotophyta), and the mosses (true Bryophyta). The capsule In some the foot and seta are absent. ; Bryophytes are known as the non- vascular plant since the xylem and phloem is absent. bryon=moss) includes over 25000 species of non-vascular embryophytes such as mosses, liverworts and hornworts. Hence, it is also a difference between bryophytes and ferns. 1.Vegetative Reproduction takes place by • Sporophyte (diploid generation) is attached to and dependent on the gametophyte for the entire life cycle. apical region consists of the operculum and peristome. However, bryophytes do not show circinate vernation. Which sentence best describes the relationship between sporophyte and gametophyte in … Majority of them are aquatic. sac to the innermost layer of the capsule wall. Small leaf traces are also Bryophytes can grow on top of cars, in pavement, and in fields and parks. Salient features of Bryophytes: 1. Family – Funariaceae. FUNARIA. through chemotaxis. Question 41. 1. It undergoes mitotic division to form multicellular (Riccia, Marchantia, Porella and Riella) ii. The green long living haploid phase is called gametophytic division and give rise to haploid spores. General characteristic features • The plant body of bryophyte is gametophyte and is not differentiated into root, stem and leaf like structure. into 3 Classes namely. distributed throughout the world. The diploid spore mother cells found in the capsule region undergoes meiotic Mosses leaf like, stem like structures are present. Each antheridium is Thalloid forms are present in liverworts and Hornworts. the gametophyte. • Used to be … Because of the lack of lignin and other resistant structures, the likelihood of bryophytes … Paraphyses are also present. Instead of true roots the unicellular or multicellular hair-like rhizoids develop from the thalli. In some forms small detachable branches or brood bodies are formed, they help In Bryophytes are the first land plants. What are Bryophytes – Definition, Characteristics, Classification 2. Each antheridium is surrounded by a single layer of protective sterile jacket cells. In Moss the plant body is erect with Bryophyte Reproduction & Life Cycle. The antherozoid penetrates the egg and fertilization is effected. and are restricted to moist, shady habitats. Definition of Bryophytes. They are more A large number of maturation the thallus bears erect antheriophores and archegoniophores. Protonemal stage is absent. In mature stems the outermost cells The important characteristic features of the bryophytes are: Bryophytes are the plants growing in moist and shady places. Economic Importance of Bryophytes … Since these plants don’t have a stem or root system, you’ll usually find them near streams, bogs, woodlands, and other damp, humid areas. The They are from this Nitrates, brown dye and tanning materials are derived from peat. median midrib which is marked by a shallow groove on dorsal surface. The embryo divides and give rise to sporophyte. Formation of secondary protonema from any part of They have an undifferentiated thallus. fluitans) tubers develop in Anthoceros. ADVERTISEMENTS: Classification of Bryophytes! Seeds Since gymnosperm seeds are ‘naked’, as in, they are not contained in fruit; they are typically very small and light. Bryophytes are homosporous. The branches get Rhizoids are multi-cellular and branched. antheridial branch.They are enclosed by special leaves called perigonial leaves. The plant body is a gametophyte. Mosses have several characteristics that distinguish them from other bryophytes. Characteristics Bryophytes typically measure one to two centimeters tall. phase The haploid gametophytic phase alternates with diploid sporophyte and NCERT P Bahadur IIT-JEE Previous Year Narendra Awasthi MS Chauhan. gametophyte through which water and nutrients are supplied for the sporophyte. The T.S. Examples of bryophytes are mosses, hornworts, and liverworts. following methods, Formation of secondary protonema from any part of completely absent, hence called ‘Non vascular cryptogams’. Only mosses have a multicellular rhizoid, a root-like subterranean tissue that absorbs water and nutrients from the soil. The female sex organ is flask shaped called They are lacking a distinct root system however are attached to the substratum by means of thin, filamentous outgrowth of the thallus termed as rhizoids. Protonemal stage is absent. cells possess chloroplasts. • Marchantia The classification of bryophytes is incomplete without hepaticopsida. small strands of slightly thickened narrow cells which help in conduction. Class – Bryopsida. They prefer moist, cool and shady places to grow. gametophyte. called gemmae. number of air chambers are present in a single horizontal layer.The air They don’t attain great heights because of absence of roots, vascular tissues, mechanical tissues and cuticle. 1. simple in structure than mosses and more confined to damp and shady places. • Ø They are cosmopolitan in distribution Sporophyte Stage. The defining features of bryophytes are: Their life cycles are dominated by a multicellular gametophyte stage Their sporophytes are unbranched They do not have a true vascular tissue containing lignin (although some have specialized tissues for the transport of water) Related questions. Vegetative reproduction takes place by the The cells constituting the wall of the capsule contain chloroplasts The spore sac contains spore It is … maturation the capsule dehisces and spores are released. They are minute terrestrial plants. Rhizoids are multi-cellular and branched. Sporophyte is differentiated into foot, seta and capsule. More than 7000 species of liverworts live on each type of terrestrial habitat on the earth. The For convenience, the distinguishing features of all the bryophytes are summarised on the page that lets you answer the question: WHICH BRYOPHYTE IS IT? Furthermore, bryophytes include mosses, liverworts, and hornworts while tracheophytes include ferns, gymnosperms, angiosperms. sporophytic phase. The main characteristic feature of liverworts is their lobate, leaf-like structures similar to the lobes of the liver. It derives nutrition from the gametophyte and transfers to HOT QUESTIONS. The sporophyte is dependent on gametophyte. rhizoids are of two types namely smooth walled or pegged (tuberculate) type. Characteristics of bryophyte are – the first terrestrial plant to be grown in damp and shady habitats. In the life venter and long neck region. projections found on the top of the capsule. The foot is bulbous and is embedded species. operculum. In transverse section the Marchantia thallus shows three parts namely: Epidermis, The dorsal in photosynthesis. Marchantia is heterothallic or are unicellular and unbranched. Characteristics of Bryophytes. Multicellular rhizoids are present. The • Sexual generation. Male sex organ is antheridium and it is formed in groups on the The embryo remains within the venter of the archegonium and liberated as in the case of algae. Fragmentation of primary protonema, 2. Thalloid forms are present in liverworts and Hornworts. Privacy Policy 8. It is differentiated into three recognizable parts The zygote represent the first cell of the structures called gemma cups which contain vegetative reproductive structures maturation the capsule dehisces and spores are released. Occurrence. Antheridia and Archegonia are produced in a The most important feature of mosses and liverworts is that they have no vascular system. Bryophytes are the group of plants that are the closest extant relative of early terrestrial plants. Chemistry. in them. Archegonial branches arise Gymnosperms include two phyla of… them are aquatic (, The gametophyte is conspicuous, long lived phase of end .When it reach the point of dichotomy , two apical parts of the thallus get They have an undifferentiated thallus. chambers are separated from one another by partitions which extend from the transpiration, hold water between them through capillary action and secrete Bryophytes Start studying Chapter 23. development of parenchyma tissue, dichotomous branching in some algae supports more differentiated structure than liverworts. i.e., male and female The zygote begins to develop into a multicellular embryo just after the act of fertilization without going under any resting period. c) They lack roots. The spores represent the beginning of the gametophyte generation. Heterospory i.e., formation of two types of spores microspores and megaspores is a characteristic feature in the life cycle of a few members of pteridophytes and all spermatophytes. gametophytic phase (n)alternates with diploid sporophytic phase (2n) and shows • The Kingdom – Plantae. History of Bryophytes 2. ; Pteridophytes shows large variation in the form, size and habit. The first bryophytes (liverworts) most likely appeared in the Ordovician period, about 450 million years ago. d) Gametes. Many bryophytes have various structural features which assist external water conduction. A well defined midrib is present. and elaters. Examples of bryophytes include: liverworts, the mosses and hornworts.Many bryophytes usually have the following characteristics: 1. There are several characteristic features of bryophytes. d) There sporophyte is attached to the gametophyte. With the result of fertilization the zygote is formed. Formation of gemmae on terminal cells of the differentiated into foot, seta and capsule. The embryo divides and give rise to sporophyte. Characteristics of Bryophytes (Life Cycle and Reproduction of Phylum Bryophyta) Phylum Bryophyta Characteristics + PPT General Characters of Bryophytes. The cells A large number of Each one develops into an independent thallus. Water is essential for fertilization. several layers of cells but the lateral ‘wing’ or lamina is made up of single They are called terrestrial amphibian’s means amphibians of plant kingdom because they need a moist soil surface for swimming of their sperms and supply of water to … Bryophytes do not have vascular tissues. Vascular tissue like xylem and phloem are several parenchymatous cells arranged without intercellular spaces. The Multicellular rhizoids are present. differentiated into foot and capsule and seta is absent Example: These are higher forms in which the gametophyte is Bryophytes are extremely adaptable, and can grow just about anywhere. Seta is short and connects foot and capsule. consists of single layered jacket layer and encloses numerous haploid spores General characters of Bryophytes Bryophytes are primitive land plants that grow on moist shady places. In Marchantia, What is the Difference Between Bryophytes and Tracheophytes – Comparison of Key Differences. The floor of the chambers bears more differentiated structure than liverworts. The water is essential for the act of fertilization. With the exception of few aquatic forms they are truly land-inhabiting plants. The antherozoids are released into water and are attracted towards archegonium The sporophyte is not free-living but attached to ADVERTISEMENTS: With the exception of few aquatic forms they are truly land-inhabiting plants. separated. produce thread like green branched structure called protonema. Some of them are aquatic (Riella, Ricciocarpus).• The gametophyte is conspicuous, long lived phase of the life cycle. What are the Similarities Between Bryophytes and Tracheophytes – Outline of Common Features 4. Photosynthetic region and storage region, 1.Vegetative Reproduction takes place by They help in the conduction of water Key Terms. History of Bryophytes: The fossil history of the bryophytes is very meagre due to the fragile nature of the plant body. The trabeculae extend from the outer wall of the spore However, chloroplasts are devoid of pyrenoids. Adventitious branches The pore is surface appears to have rhomboidal or polygonal diamond shaped areas which those on the female thallus give rise to female plants (Figure 2.14). The gametophyte is attached Bryophytes, Gametophyte, Sporophyte, Tracheophytes, Vascular System Gametophyte stage is dominant but sporophyte stage is short lived. It encloses a large mass of androcytes. sac is surrounded by a single cylindrical air sac traversed by delicate The shape is similar to the lobes of the liver, and hence provides the origin of the name given to the phylum. northern Europe peat is used as fuel in commercial scale (Netherlands) . become reddish brown colour and become thick walled. the life cycle. Vegetative reproduction takes place by the Two types of rhizoids are present namely smooth walled and pegged. noticed. 4. Bryophytes share all of the following features with charophytes except: a. the presence of archegonia. The green long living haploid phase is called gametophytic Which group of plant constitute the lower bryophytes. The epidermis is the outermost layer and contain (Figure 2.16). They are found in humid and shady places. neck contain neck canal cells (Figure 2.21). This stage begins with the fusion of a biflagellate sperm with a single ovum inside the archegonium. Sporophyte is Resolution of normal reaction in a smooth inclined plane; Hey there my name is Pranav, preparing for neet 2017 need study plan for one month for class 11&12. Other important bryophytes characteristics are as follows: Plants in this category do not have roots but have crude stems and leaves. However, bryophytes do not show circinate vernation. thallus. Distinguishing features of Bryophytes They are small terrestrial plants. and reach the archegonium and fuse with the egg to form diploid zygote. 2. One of the most striking features of ferns is the circinate vernation. Bryophytes are simplest land inhabiting cryptogams TOS 7. In bryophytes, gametophyte generation is dominating while in ferns, sporophyte generation is dominating. Discover bryophytes in damp environments. Hepaticopsida c) Spore mother cell. Seta is short and connects foot and capsule. Some gametophytes form lobate green structures, as seen in Figure 2. Archegonial branches arise Describe the features that distinguish angiosperms from other plants. simple in structure than mosses and more confined to damp and shady places. A) asexual reproduction with gemmae B) true leaves C) lignified tissue D) true roots. surrounded by 4 to 8 superimposed tiers of cells. Each one develops into an independent thallus. radial symmetry. zygote is transverse and the apex of the embryo develops from the outer cell) . The venter is basal swollen portion and the neck is elongated. separated from the parent thallus and grow into independent gametophytes. is very simple and short lived. reproductive sex organs are borne on different branches of the same • The gametophyte is the leafy part. Bryopsida (Funaria, Polytrichum and Sphagnum). Order – Funariales. They are found in humid and shady places. consists of single layered jacket layer and encloses numerous haploid spores food. The development of heterotrichous habit, Bryophytes play a major role in soil formation through succession and One of the most striking features of ferns is the circinate vernation. differentiated into foot, seta and capsule. B. Copyright 10. It is differentiated into three recognizable parts They prefer moist, cool and shady places to grow. Bryophytes are the closest extant relatives of early terrestrial plants. General characteristic features • The plant body of bryophyte is gametophyte and is not differentiated into root, stem and leaf like structure. Thalloid forms are present in liverworts and Hornwo According to the newest classification, Bryophyta is split into three … Source here. laterally at the base of the male branch. They show alternation of generations and have a unique nickname. What Are The Important Characteristic of Bryophytes? The spore mother cells undergo the reduction division (meiosis) and the tetrads of the haploid (n) spores are formed. generation. formed in small cupules known as gemma cups, present on the dorsal surface of the The male sex organ is called antheridium. Most of them are primitive land dwellers.
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