For more details of these cookies and how to disable them, see our cookie policy. And he has received a community award from prime minister Boris Johnson. - 13 characters max) Name (13 characters max) Please note: The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. PUB quizmaster Jay Flynn is going for a second world record where he will be hosting an online quiz over two days asking 2,000 questions. How One Man Created The Biggest Virtual Pub Quiz In The World When Jay Flynn was homeless, he packed up his worldly belongings every morning so that London tourists wouldn't see his plight. I think that’s pretty much it really um I’ve got another five questions to write for general knowledge and then tomorrow night’s quiz is all done and done and sorted um … image caption Jay Flynn broadcast his virtual pub quiz on social media. 304 pages. When it goes ahead tomorrow (thurs) it will smash the previous Guinness world record for an online quiz of just 1,622. The super-popular quiz has been hosted by famous celebrities such as Stephen Fry and Jonathan Ross, raised thousands of pounds for NHS charities and broken the world record for the highest number of views of a quiz YouTube live stream on April 30, with 182,513 households joining in to play! 1. The event holds the Guinness World Record for most viewers of a quiz YouTube live stream with more than 182,000 people playing. Fury at ITV for 'paying £1MILLION' to air 'grossly insensitive' Oprah interview with Harry and Meghan while... Trouble in 'zero Covid' paradise? What acid would you find in a car battery? HE'S the accidental lockdown hero who's amassed a nation of fans and even netted a Guinness world record with his Virtual Pub Quiz. The quiz has raised more than £140,000 for Alzheimer’s Research UK; Thursday night’s quiz was co-hosted by Stephen Fry; Jay Flynn’s Virtual Pub Quiz has scooped a Guinness World Record after pulling in 180,000 players in a single night. Quiz is free to play along, YouTube & FB! The quiz attracts participants from all over the world. Jay Flynn, who hosts the quiz from his home in Darwen, Lancashire, was sleeping rough on the streets of London 10 years ago and has now raised more than £160,000 for NHS charities. When Jay had to close his pub due to COVID-19, he lifted the spirits of his loved ones by starting a virtual pub quiz. This week, he joined forces with Alzheimer's Research UK and Fry to raise money for dementia research and promote awareness of the condition. Jay's quiz has raised more than £140,000 for Alzheimer's Research UK and over £300,000 for charities during the last seven weeks. Jay's Virtual Pub Quiz is a streamed general knowledge charity quiz, inspired by the British tradition of pub quizzes.It is hosted by Jay Flynn, a former publican, and began airing following the closure of pubs as a result of the UK's response to the COVID-19 pandemic.Over 150 quizzes have been aired, which have raised over £700,000 for various charities. 'I remember visiting the mother of a friend in the very severe stages of the condition and seeing her not recognise her own son. And before long, it went viral, attracting millions of viewers from around the world. The event holds the Guinness World Record for most viewers of a quiz YouTube live stream with more than 182,000 people playing. #JaysVirtualPubQuiz went viral! The ideal gift for trivia enthusiasts, and a wonderful tribute to all of us who came together in the most difficult times. Which stones are the White Cliffs of  Dover made out of? TWITTER. 'Humans are ultimately social animals and dementia isolates you from your social networks. He said: 'I was expecting maybe 30 or 40 people to turn up for it. Within months, Jay's quiz broke a Guinness World Record, raised over 700,000 for charity, and featured celebrity co The 30th April quiz set a Guinness World Record for “most viewers of a quiz YouTube live stream” with 182,513 individual viewers. Millions joined in helping Jay raise over half a million pounds for charity and break a Guinness World Record. Jay's Virtual Pub Quiz has earned him a Guinness World Record! Previous page. A lockdown quizmaster, an England captain and a council leader have been honoured in the Queen's Birthday List. Wealth management and employee benefits company Mattioli Woods match-funded the first £15,000 of donations, with a total of £50,000 match-funded. A virtual smartphone quiz, however, replaces pens and paper with – yep, you guessed it – … Jay Flynn's virtual pub quizzes proved a popular pastime during lockdown and also raised money for charity. Mr Flynn – whose first book, Jay’s Virtual Pub Quiz Book, came out on Thursday – holds his quizzes online each Thursday and Saturday. The comments below have been moderated in advance. Britain will be a 'different world' soon: Fewer than TEN over-80s are admitted to ICUs with Covid every day... Northern Ireland's lockdown exit plan is to be revealed TODAY - but five-step strategy will NOT include... RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: The pandemic has ushered in a baffling new language... so here's my A-Z of Covid. Quiz is free to play along, YouTube & FB! In cahoots with Guinness World Records, he had created a schedule for 49 hours worth of quizzing to break the world record for the World’s Longest Streamed Quiz. The quiz quickly went viral when he accidentally made a Facebook event publicising it as public. Within months, Jay's quiz broke a Guinness World Record, raised over GBP700,000 for charity, and featured celebrity contributions from Stephen Fry, Scarlett Moffatt, Jonathan Ross and Gary Barlow, to name just a few. And before long, it went viral, attracting millions of viewers from around the world. “I’m rubbing shoulders with A-list quality, national treasures if you like.”, "People are trying to put me in the same bracket. How well do you know Guinness World Records? Take that, Macron! 5. But after setting the first Facebook event to 'public', Jay, a sales advisor who ten years ago was down on his luck and homeless, inadvertently launched a global online phenomenon. Take the quiz to reveal the warning signs of a manipulative and... PICTURE EXCLUSIVE: Prince Harry and Meghan drive themselves around California with her mother Doria after... Royal family are 'united in prayers' for Prince Philip, 99, as he begins first full day under care of... Royals have 'more important things to worry about' than Harry and Meghan's Oprah interview while Prince... How CAN Prince Harry's TV show go on while his grandfather is so sick? Some of the UK’s finest comics will be gathering online in an attempt to achieve the Guinness World Records title for the most users to visit a virtual pub. A virtual comedy club called The Covid Arms is hoping to break the Guinness World Record for the most users to visit a virtual pub. As well as gaining the attention of the public, Guinness World Records, the prime minister and a clutch of celebrities, Flynn has also come in front of the eyes of YouTube. The partnership will boost funds for the UK’s 21 air ambulance charities lifesaving work, who are dispatched on 70+ lifesaving missions each day. From unbelievably long fingernails, to some of the planet's most incredible natural phenomenons – almost anything and everything out of the ordinary has been recorded. Mr Flynn told the PA news agency: “Once again we had over 181,000 households playing the virtual pub quiz. The following month, Jay received the Prime Minister’s Points of Light award with Boris Johnson thanking him for raising the country’s spirits. As Oprah's explosive interview with... PIERS MORGAN: It takes a staggering degree of narcissism to play hard-done-by victims from your Californian... Royal experts and fans call on CBS to postpone broadcast of Oprah's explosive two-hour Harry and Meghan... Don't you have another suit, Harry? The Virtual Pub Quiz which takes place every Thursday evening has set the Guinness World Record for most viewers of a quiz YouTube live stream. Which is the only vowel not on the top row of a computer keyboard? 'By supporting charities like Alzheimer's Research UK, future generations will only be reading about diseases like Alzheimer's and not experiencing it. Jay Flynn, whose Virtual Pub Quiz broke a Guinness World Record earlier this month, shared his tips on running a successful online pub quiz, which include keeping question topics accessible and using word-of-mouth marketing. And before long, it went viral, attracting millions of viewers from around the world. Air Ambulances UK has teamed up with The Virtual Pub Quiz – the lockdown phenomenon that is bringing together 180,000+ keen quizzers each week. It was just surreal, we had over a couple of hundred thousand turn up to the first one, and it has just spiralled from there.'. 9. Playbuzz. 15 January 2020, 16:33. I’m just an idiot who sits in front of a camera and asks questions on a Thursday night.”. 8. The Darwen man is attempting to break the Guinness World Record for the longest marathon as a quizmaster after previously breaking the world record for most viewers of a live-stream quiz. Personalise: Message Line 1 (i.e. Mr Flynn said he has started to get used to it the large audience. A record-breaking 182,513 households played the online pub quiz April 30 and last night the quiz had a similar audience size, Jay, 38, claimed on Twitter. Semicircles on a weather map denote which front? #JaysVirtualPubQuiz went viral! 'I want to give a massive thanks to every single person in the community, without them none of this would be possible.'. Missing patient who tested positive for Brazil variant STILL has not been found, ministers admit, as it... France WILL give AstraZeneca jab to over-65s in humiliating U-turn for Emmanuel Macron: Pressure set to... Captain Tom Moore's legacy will be celebrated with special April 30 event on what would have been his 101st... Britain is set to be INCLUDED in the EU's vaccine passport scheme in sign of hope for summer holidays on the... Tory civil war on tax as Boris Johnson hints fuel duty WILL be frozen in Budget tomorrow but Lord Hague says... FRESH SHAME FOR RACING: New video 'shows jockey Rob James jumping on top of a dead horse to the delight of... Boris and Carrie's big day! Dry ice is a frozen form of which gas? A record-breaking 182,513 households played the online pub quiz on Thursday 30 April. The Ultimate Guinness World Records Quiz. Stephen Fry was a special guest and co-host on Thursday night's quiz that raised money for the Alzheimer's Society. The nation’s favourite Quizmaster breaks a second world record! Which other pandemics had a second peak? The Guinness World Records has always showcased the weird and wonderful things the world has to offer. Jay has also used the quiz to raise just under £170k for NHS Charities Together. At least 300,000 people from around the world viewed Jay Flynn's pub quiz. Mr Flynn said: 'Once again we had over 181,000 households playing the virtual pub quiz. ... also took the Guinness World Record for the most viewers of a quiz on a YouTube livestream. Scottish Lord Advocate says claims of interference by Crown Office in Alex Salmond probe are 'wholly without... How many council workers does it take to remove a doormat? image caption Jay Flynn broadcast his virtual pub quiz on social media. Jay Flynn, from Darwen, will see Jay’s Virtual Pub Quiz Book hit the shelves in October, and wants to use the launch to help reach a new target of £1m by the end of the year. (Jay Flynn pictured with his Guinness World Records Certificate). He added: 'So many of our community will have been touched by dementia in some way and it's a cause that's close to me and my family, too. Since that first event on March 26, the former pub landlord's virtual quiz has gained 111,000 YouTube subscribers and more than 135,000 likes on Facebook. What is the name for a female ferret that hasn't been spayed? The quiz has raised more than £140,000 for Alzheimer's Research UK and over £300,000 for charities during the last seven weeks, 'That is as frightening as anything can be and sadly we know this is only exacerbated by Covid-19.'. When Jay had to close his pub due to covid-19, he lifted the spirits of his loved ones by starting a virtual pub quiz. 2. Some of Britain's top comedians are joining forces to raise money for pubs shut down by the coronavirus, by hosting an online virtual pub quiz with a plan to set a new world record. Ten years ago, Jay Flynn was sleeping rough. Ten years ago, Jay Flynn was sleeping rough. When the lockdown is over, Mr Flynn said he wants to use his newfound platform to get people back into pubs. HE'S the accidental lockdown hero who's amassed a nation of fans and even netted a Guinness world record with his Virtual Pub Quiz. 30 April 2020. Quizzes Jay's Virtual Pub 2020 Quiz: Test your general knowledge with star of lockdown Jay Flynn set up a virtual pub quiz throughout the months of … About us; FAQ; Service; Contact And before long, it went viral, attracting millions of viewers from around the world. When Jay had to close his pub due to covid-19, he lifted the spirits of his loved ones by starting a virtual pub quiz. Creeping cost of Downing Street makeovers: How Tony and Cherie Blair splashed £127,000 refurbishing No11... Widow who wants Highways England prosecuted for manslaughter over her husband's smart motorway death stages... Do one in five Britons really now hold crypto? Picture: Getty / Guinness World Record guinness world record event. The quiz runs on a Thursday at 7:50 p.m., with a kids quiz on a Monday at 10:30 a.m. and other specialist quizzes running throughout the week. 'I'd like to thank Stephen for giving up his time to support the charity and the quiz, and I know our amazing community will get behind Alzheimer's Research UK 100%.'. See if you can guess some of the amazing world records that have been recognized by the Guinness record keepers. A car salesman who launched a virtual pub quiz for friends on coronavirus lockdown was blown away when almost half a million people worldwide showed an … On the evening of Tuesday 17 th November at 8pm, Jay Flynn started what would soon become the most difficult thing he’s ever done! And now, Jay Flynn has brewed up a brilliant pub quiz … Fry said: 'Many of us have been close to someone they love very much in the grip of dementia.

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