Hmm, with an Italian Nonna the only real superstition she had was about putting new shoes on a table - even if they were in a shoebox she would say it was bad luck to sit the box on anything! When moving into a new home, my family (Sicilian) always gave you a brown paper bag with a loaf of Italian bread, bottle of olive oil and a box of salt to keep in the top cabinet forever. Listen carefully. Turns out this bold move may be a step too far There are many reasons why it’s considered bad luck to put your shoes on the table – none of them pleasant. There is a superstition that bad luck will come to a person who places shoes on a table. About 10 years later her brother was also born Nov. 17th…what are the odds? Lost my business, too. Because birds can easily move between earth and sky, humans have long viewed our feathered friends as a link between the temporal and spiritual worlds. He got everyone in the family horn necklaces. The origins of this superstition is said to have begun in the colliers in the north of England where, after a miner’s death, his boots would be placed on the table as a mark of respect. One thing they seem to have in common is that the Evil Eye is caused by jealousy and envy. When a miner died in a colliery accident, his shoes were placed on the table as a sign of respect. You are in death’s wake and soon people might be attending your funeral. When you drop something then someone is thinking of you and their name starts with the first letter of item dropped. Black cats are thought to be a sign of bad luck. Now no job. In Miscellany Tags superstitions, … The sex of your child can be determined by the way a necklace and pendant swings. Mere bird feathers, especially peacock feathers with their Evil Eye, can curse a household or the wearer of a feathery hat. My grandma always said that if you wanted to remove a wart, you should steal a dish towel from someone, rub it on your wart, and bury it under a full moon. … When 17 is written using Roman numerals XVII, it can be rearranged to spell the Roman word VIXI meaning “I have lived” and is found on ancient tombstones, thus tempting death. 4. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Thanks you all for sharing today’s word of superstitious appreciate ya, & as well which I didn’t cross so I am not a fosure ifor it may or may not be superstitious. A bird flying into a home through the door or a window, and possibly even landing on the back … On First Communion, they receive their first pair of rosary beads. 18. My dad is Black and my mother was mixed race. Again, some claim this has a basis in Christianity with the symbol of Christ as the Bread of Life. She said I was too young to learn her ways and was supposed to start teaching me the year she died but I remember what I saw her pray as a little girl. Becky Pemberton; Mar 13 2020, 4:54 ET; Updated: Nov 13 2020, 8:56 ET; FRIDAY the 13 th is the unluckiest day of the year for some, with many cursed by misfortune and mishaps. it was to cut the hair in march but I forget when. A Virgin Mary statue should be at your bedside and a Crucifix should be in every room. Never walk under any ladders it cause bad luck; Never call out any of God’s name while using the restroom’s home or public it cause illnesses; Havah Happy New Year’s Peace Upon You & Your’s*. ... For them, bread was life and so every precaution was taken in order to keep it on the table. It’s bad luck to steal content from another website! It was to protect you from If you do, you will never be swept off your feet and get married. It could only be passed on to me on Christmas day at midnight! I read it and memorized. In honor of Mici’s 13th anniversary, we’re diving into seven surprising Italian superstitions. Almost every nation and religion across the globe has their own unique superstitions that dictate the way of life and help ward off bad luck, and Italy is no exception. It’s bad luck! Bread is considered a staple of life and so every precaution is taken in order to prevent cursing the supply. About the etimology and general information about superstitions look here, here, here, here and here. I am at the lowest point in my life; healthwise, financially… a week doesn’t go by where I get smacked in the face by the curse. You should receive a Saint medal on your Confirmation day and where it in times of sorrow. Dear Eleonora, I will be happy to add a link to your website. My Aunt was the one I was a witness to helping others. A birthmark signifies an angel’s kiss. This is … [4] It may have something to do with death, and the idea of placing a new pair of shoes on the table would signify that someone had just died, or you would have bad luck for the rest of the day, quarrel with someone or lose your job. If you accidentally find a knot in your shoelaces (a knot not placed their … This superstition–which states that one must toss a handful of salt over their left shoulder to get rid of bad luck–is also common in the U.S. I have no car. Even if you remanage the copy and add a new word here and there… It doesn’t matter if it is summer either. This is not happening again! It is thought  the number brings prosperity and abundant life. The number 13 is also associated with the Goddess of Fertility and the lunar cycles. [5], Even among people who are not superstitious, shoes can be associated with contamination.[6]. She wrote it on a piece of paper while we were at midnight mass. My grandfather used to tell me some of the stories about being careful walking past street vendors in Sicily. Seeing piles of straw or a straw wagon means disappointment. A loaf of bread must always be placed on a table, facing up according to Italian traditions. [3] Some sources ascribe the origin to the fact that criminals were hanged while still wearing their shoes. Though it may seem like common sense, it is also considered taboo to place your shoes on a table. 59 year old engineers cannot compete with college graduates. is considered good luck. One test for the Malocchio is done by dropping olive oil in a plate of water. Superstitions come in all shapes and sizes. New shoes on the table. Don’t put a hat on a bed. Always pay for it. “In bocca al lupo”. Here's A List Of Common Superstitions People Around The World Believe In That Reveal We Are All ... Keep your shoes off the table. It is impolite to turn the bread up-side-down or to stick a knife into a loaf of bread. Quick Navigation. I have done it before. Always put your right shoe on first or you will have a bad day… Always start your day on the right foot. When home remedies did not work and modern medicine was not an option (from either lack of money or language), some neighborhoods have the services of a man or woman trained in ancient practices, bordering on witchcraft. My mom was from Tuscany and my dad’s family was from an area not far from Naples. The twisted phallic red coral, gold or silver amulet (cornicello) is often worn or carried by men to ward off curses on their “manliness” or mojo. I told my parents I’d be taking the Greyhound bus home on the 17th. Cats (Felines) Some of us grew up that it is a sign of good luck if a black cat crosses your path. The cornicello (see below) is also used to ward off the malocchio. 2. If you receive a dream from a past ancestor it may be good luck and an omen of the future. (Superstitions: 10,000 You Really Need) “La Befana”. Like most others as her, she is dead. Does anyone know what it means? Don’t spill salt or olive oil for fear of bad luck. “Tocca ferro”. However, both siblings have lived happy & prosperous lives, much more so than the other 4 siblings… so I would say it worked out well for them. From breaking a mirror to putting new shoes on the table. [2] Also described as an old wives' tale, the superstition may date back to medieval times. About 12 years ago, while I was away at college, I was planning my trip back home for the Christmas break. Other unlucky items to keep off the bed are clothes hangers, hairbrushes, and shoes (of course the last is a hygiene issue, too). Never get a perm during your menstrual cycle. Please share the prayer as I have been searching for years. “Topolino dei denti”. She also said that shoes can never be put on the table in a box or otherwise…bad luck. Throughout history, Italian culture has been rich with superstitions for good or evil that continue to form the basis of many of the Italian Life Rules. Superstitions people who believe in superstitions few superstitious beleifs ... Not one Englishman will open his umbrella near the door or will put his new shoes on the table 10. It is something your parents or culture ... Don’t put new shoes on the table According to superstition in the UK, you should never put new shoes on a table as it is symbolises death of a family member. The questions extend to the paperback version, since that is the one I would be willing to buy the most. You have no idea how much trouble this has caused my mom when she puts her birthrate down as Nov 17th but records state the 16th. Here is a non-inclusive list of Italian superstitions so that you don’t put a foot wrong during your next visit: The Evil Eye is one of the most ancient superstitions in Italy. Don’t start a journey, new project or get married on a Friday or a Tuesday. Not surprisingly, a large number of superstitions center on birds as harbingers of death. I need a Strega. From magic mice to hungry wolves, take a look at 10 of our favourite bizarre Italian superstitions and traditions. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. (Drop a pen (penn a) and Pamela is thinking of you.). So she held on for as long as she could and he was born on the 19th. Did anyone ever hear of leaving 3 dollars in the pocket of the deceased? Felines. I might be interested in purchasing “Italian Life Rules” once it comes out, so I was wondering if you could confirm it will be released in Summer 2014. Growing up in a Italian household I remember many of the lores mentioned. It’s bad luck to have a black cat cross your path. 9. At the Last Supper Jesus ate with his 12 disciples before one of them, Judas Iscariot, betrayed him. If you spill wine at the dinner table, wet your fingers and dab some behind every person’s ear. What’s the one about the touching testicles when you see/have to pass a Nun? Hygiene could be the more practical reason behind the superstition. And in theatrical circles, shoes on the table can cause an actor to stutter on stage. Nuns crossing your path (or is this only for school children?). Italian men, knowing what must be protected at all costs, may tap their testicles, known as tocca palle. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Shoes on a table are bad luck Folklore and Urban Legends",, Perceptions of religious imagery in natural phenomena,, Articles needing additional references from July 2016, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 1 February 2021, at 15:11. As the dish towel rots away in the dirt your wart fades away. I wish I knew it. Your Patron saint is who will be with you for eternity. I believe them all too, especially the hat on the bed one. She helped me, too. Crossing paths with a black cat. Italians aim to avoid a similar turning of the tables. Superstition is a belief in supernatural causality. Kind of like an angel earning their wings. I don’t know if I am spelling it properly. 4. 2. Thanks for all of these, Katelyn. Thanks Nikki for the additional superstitions! Does anyone know or remember why an open scissor, red ribbon and bag of canpher were tied to the bed spring? God forbid you should put your shoes on the table, a hat on the bed or drop a dish towel. This is just a sample of the many unique Italian traditions and superstitions. 16. Don’t cross arms when you clink wine glasses together. ... Often the dinner table was the only suitable flat surface in most homes and shoes on the table came to represent death. What a fabulous list. Knot in Shoelaces. Hearing a buzzing in your ear means someone is talking about you. Now we know why she knew and believed all these. When a miner died in a colliery accident, his shoes were placed on the table as a sign of respect. My family is Neapolitan and Sicilian with a bit of Northern regions like Milan. The list is long, but so is this message. Tuscan Traveler is collecting more Italian superstitions. What is the prayer to take evil eye away? If it happens, however, toss a bit of salt over each shoulder or rub a drop of oil behind each ear. Origin of 5 common British superstitions Do you know the word "superstitions"? The bed must be open on both sides or the person will never be wed. 3. ‘Unlucky’ 13’s Other Meanings | Great Movies Info, Superstitions: Our Strange Beliefs - The Exchange Mom, Pandemics in Italy – Today and in the Past, Black Christ of Lucca – Oldest Carved Wood Statue in Europe, Tuscan Traveler is Back and Tuscany has Changed, Tuscan Traveler’s Picks – Cucina Tipica, An Italian Adventure by Andrew Cotto, Dove Vai? In Italy, it’s considered bad luck to lay bread upside down, either on a table or in a basket. Crossing silverware on the table foretells strife. The knife. Interesting…I remember my grandma telling me many of these. Crossing her on one of them or disobeying one in front of her meant certain death for you. Why is it bad luck to put new shoes on a table? My mom told her it was that time of month for me…and she believed that it would kill plants if you touched them at that time of month. At least link to the source! Don’t give your partner shoes as a gift, it will encourage them to walk out of the relationship. Seeing two nuns together brings unpleasant or disappointing news. Bad Luck Superstitions. Superstitions differ in different cultures as well as genders. A bed should never face the door because it replicate the position of a coffin in a church. Your husband should not see your breasts when breast feeding as he will curse the milk. Mille grazie. Seeing a spider at night: a sure sign of monetary income. anyone ever hear that if you don;t sweep a floor clean you will have a bald husband. Thank you! The thing is, I hopped on the bus at 9pm, and it travels through the night. Breaking a mirror will result in seven years of bad luck. 11. [1], In the world of theatre, putting shoes on a dressing room table is considered by some to bring the risk of a bad performance, just as "Break a leg!" Stories behind superstitions | New shoes. One was that you should never hand someone a knife directly, but rather put it on a table or object, or you will stop talking with that person. To learn more about these fascinating customs, we interviewed Giorgia Fantin Borghi, one of the leading Italian etiquette experts and a true historian of Italian table setting. A new broom is a common first gift to sweep away evil spirits. I confirmed each item I listed with more than one source. This has to do with how it is written. When receiving communion your hair must be worn in a bun. If you drop a knife always step(stomp) on it. Although 13 is considered lucky, sitting down to a table with 12 others is an ill omen. Italian Food Rules by Ann Reavis is available now. Oh, and my grandmother knew a chant to remove the evil eye. My father tried to copy it once and pulled out the olive oil and a bowl of water but he couldn’t remember it all. On the other hand, it’s considered a good fortune if you happen to hear a cat sneeze. Corno’s for the men, and cornicello’s for the women. The Strangest Irish Superstitions June 30, 2017 January 29, 2015 by Ireland Before You Die Known for our incredible scenery, which has inspired some of the most talented poets, writers, and playwrights the world has ever known, it’s a little-known fact that Ireland – in complete contrast to its artistic productivity – is also one of the most superstitious nations on … Silverware dropping on the floor means someone is coming to your house. We are Calabrese so I know many of these…especially about malocchio. 13. In modern times it seems the Friday 13 is starting to lose its charm in Italy, as with the rest of the world. 9. Source: AP/Press Association Images. This gesture can also be used  to ward off the Evil Eye (pointing fingers down). Eat lentils on New Years Day and money will follow during the year. Paperback from, Italian Life Rules – Superstitions, Familiar and Strange. Everyone has passed away now. It will cause divorce, Bad Luck to put A New Pair Of shoes on a Table /also a Hairbrush. Francesco, no date has been set for the launch, but it will be announced in first. 14. Another belief common in the North of England is that the tradition relates to the coal mining industry. Every girl/boy on their Confirmation day should receive a piece of jewelry from their family. It is very bad luck to ever put shoes on anything other than the ground. Always carry Rosary beads with you. A baby or child incapable of warding off the evil eye themselves should always have something red on. 17. This conception may have begun as a trick to motivate people to handle the previously expensive goods with care. The number 17 is considered unlucky. Steve Allen/Getty Images. I don’t know that particular one my mother always said to plant your seedlings for the garden in the Ides of March but that was obviously pre-global warning hehe. An owl sighting is a vision of the spirits of the dead. Also, be sure look fellow toasters in the eye when clinking glasses and don’t slip up by forgetting to take a sip before setting your drink down, otherwise you will have seven years of bad sex. A funny story about the 17th as well. Seeing someone's shoes on the table could severely frighten someone if they didn't know that the person was alive and well." 5. If a cat washes over its left ear, it will soon rain. The sounds of bells in the middle of the night signal good luck. It started with 8, 9 in Italian….something about lupo too I think…My sister married Sicilian and she had a multitude of superstitions. i grew up in italy with a very superstitious mother, aunt and grandmother . An unmarried women or young girl should never sit at the corner of a table or she will never be wed. 2. Traditionally, when the sick were on their deathbeds a priest would come to receive their final confessions. ... put a coin in your shoes, or a ticket in your pocket. Singles, don’t let a broom touch your feet when someone is cleaning the floors. If an Italian sees a nun, he will seek to touch a metal, so that the luck doesn‟t … Thank you in advance. 1. October 29, 2009. Thus, a hat’s temporary resting place is associated with eternal rest, a thought that keeps Italians from sleeping peacefully. As for the cutting your hair in March it may be The Ides Of March, when Caesar died. Seeing is believing. A Loaf of Bread. Don’t put shoes on the table, it’s bad luck and is symbolic of hanging. Related to the Corno is the hand gesture (extending only the pinkie and index finger like a pair of horns) known as the mano cornuta, which can be used (pointing upwards or directly at the victim (cornuto)) to curse another or not so subtly send the message that a man’s wife or girlfriend is straying. ... numbers 4 and 9 while in Italian culture … It’s true! And they wrote the 18th as the date of birth. The horns of an African eland most resemble the original amulets. Seeing a priest walking towards you brings good news. Every weekend i used to pay a visit this site, for the reason that i Another belief common in the North of England is that the tradition relates to the coal mining industry. It‟s not good if a bird enters through your window. Amber….salt a penny a morsal of bread a piece of red ribbon a droplet of holy water. Never have your hair cut during the new moon. My strict Italian dad said NO WAY! Would you believe that my bus caught on fire at 2am on the 17th? When I called my parents to tell them what happened, the first thing my dad said was, I TOLD YOU!! The only ingredient of the satchel that anyone can remember is salt. ITALY Italians think you‟re lucky to hear a cat sneezing. Passing each other the salt hand to hand (without putting it down on the table) will lead to imminent fight between the two. No idea if that was an Italian superstition or if it was just something funny my Nonna believed in! Has anyone heard of this? What does it mean, if a man has an affair with a woman in her bed, and places the husband’s shoes on his rearview mirror? Getting off on the wrong foot. (My poppy always used it on us.). I have been DESPERATELY seeking a Strega for almost a year now. Today a visitor may be surprised at which superstitions are taken seriously and which are taken with a grain of salt, so to speak. can’t wait for the book to come out – it would be a great gift. I know my Nonna’s remedy for the evil eye. You missed the one about if a lady bug flies into a bedroom in Italy it bring very much good luck. We knew she was part Asian but didn’t know anything else was in there. Apparently, back in the day the parents filled out the birth certificate. Ann. I remember some of these. She has more, but I don’t know them all. Crossing arms when shaking hands in a group. Saint Anthony is one of the greatest saints when someone is needy and Saint Jude can help heal the sick. The first use of the Latin superstitio is found in the writing of the historians Livy and Ovid (1st century BC). Sweeping it all under the carpet. In Italy, it’s also customary when passing the salt to place it on the table first before handing it over. Here is a non-inclusive list of Italian superstitions so that you don’t put a foot wrong during your next visit: The Evil Eye ( Malocchio ) The Evil Eye is one of the most ancient superstitions in Italy. In your purse, schoolbag, etc. These weird superstitions have actually hardly any logic logic, but still people blindly follow them. Needless to say, I now look out for that number. The left foot is in particular unlucky, and it is always better to leave a room or enter a house with the right feet. The priest would remove his hat and set it on the bed so that he could put on the vestments. Your website has an excellent list of superstitions found in the theater and general superstitions found worldwide, as well as those found in southern Italy. Power trio Beck, Bogert & Appice mention the superstition in their cover of the Stevie Wonder song, "Superstition". This came from my grandmother who is Napolidan. If the oil forms one large drop in the middle of the plate it’s a sure sign of the Evil Eye, but after chanting the right prayers that usually only women are allowed to know, the oil may break up into tiny droplets and spread out, thus breaking the curse of the Evil Eye. I’d love to know more about it. Francesca’s Footprints – A Student Finally Learns Something Important, Tuscan Traveler’s Picks – A Dozen Top Italy Blogs | Tuscan Traveler,, Not So Scary? My Nonna said no! I grew up with some of these.. two that were not mentioned that come to mind are as follows. At that time the term “superstition” was used in Italy mostly in the negative sense of an excessive fear of the gods or unreasonable religious belief, as opposed to religio, the proper, reasonable awe of the gods. Please leave a comment if you know of one that needs to be added to the list. Don’t use a knife or scissor to cut the ribbon or string off a wrapped gift–or else risk cutting the relationship. 10. Don’t Fear The Number 13 Italians dislike the number so much that some hotels don’t have a 17th level. The term superstitio, or superstitio vana (vain superstition) was applied by Tacitus and Domitian (80 AD) to those religious cults (druids, early Christianity) in the Roman Empire that were officially outlawed. I’ve lost the paper but still remember it word for word. Superstition states that placing new shoes on the table can negatively impact future prosperity, while leaving any shoes on the table is likely to lead to a quarrel, or just plain bad luck [source: Murrell]. Maybe an early form of “cupping” that they are using on Olympic swimmers? Never put a scissor on the bed. Any details are appreciated. Wow, my mom is 92 year old Sicilian and does not remember this, but, one of my cousins wants to know if anyone remembers this one: my grandma putting a coin in a cheesecloth and rubbing it on someone’s sore muscles then lighting it on fire and covering with a glass. There is a superstition that bad luck will come to a person who places shoes on a table . I remember hearing of most of the superstitions mentioned and have a few to add. I believe. If rain starts in the morning before seven, it will stop by eleven. When driving past a cemetery, lift your feet off the floor of the car and hold your breath until you pass it. If you drop a spoon unexpectedly, a woman will unexpectedly visit. Years later, her baby brother (#6) was threatening to arrive, on you guessed it, Nov. 17th! When a new moon appears, the minute you see it say the New Moon Incantation: “Benvenuta Luna che mi porti fortuna!” – “Welcome, moon and may you bring me good fortune!” This is to be repeated, bowing respectfully at the lunar sliver 13 times with a coin in each hand. My mom did say she remembers when someone had sore knees, the little kids were given sticks to clap and say prayers, then hold sticks on the sore knees. Every region seems to have their own version of the Evil Eye, but some take it more seriously than others. 1. 9: Shoes on the Table. I’ll stop now. my father was from the Calabria region, and he told me to never accept a knife as a gift, Perhaps not during Haloween but this is not true in Italy. When written using Arabic numerals, 17 is still considered unlucky since it resembles a man ( the 1) hanging from a gallows (the 7). 8. Never raise a toast with a glass full of water as it is bad luck. My mother taught me the prayer when I was about 19. Women of the family should always bring food to occassions if they want good luck. If a fork a man. 5. want enjoyment, as this this web page conations really good funny information too. Beware of Friday 17th. 3. My great grandmother (Italian and Catholic) was said to have made little satchels that she prayed over to bring good fortune. The number 13 is lucky in Italy, especially when gambling. Some say the superstition has a Christian origin from the Bible story where Peter denied that he knew Jesus three times before the cock crowed. I live in NJ. I can travel. She said I would kill the plants. Don’t follow a hearse that isn’t carrying a coffin. 25 Bad Luck Superstitions from Around the World. You can buy Italian Food Rules by using these links: Hello, I recently came across this site and I must say the thoughts and the stories told here are quite interesting and fascinating. She said once you know the prayer you will never forget it. Sep 10, 2018. was written in 2011.

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