See the article South Weaner Paddock which talks about a quarter acre sized area that we divided up into ten paddocks for a mini-rotational grazing setup. 920 lbs of bread, 4 stacks, $20 Breads with seeds or nuts are completely out of the question too, … other forages and herbs. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. We generally slaughter at about six months but the age of slaughter for your pigs will vary with their breed, diet and weather conditions – e.g., pigs grow a little more slowly in the winter due to the cool weather. My pig does not like citrus peels he luv green apples! I know something about the eating habits of pigs. An excellent way of keeping good food out of the waste stream. kudos to your farm for picking up the slack and making a better product from local waste. Mini pigs, like humans, need calories and nutrients to maintain their activity levels and overall healthy. What about meat? Oscar eating grass, one of … This year, we did our pigs on pasture, waste milk, and a wee bit of corn. From a recent study they said: “The researchers identified stale bread (509 metric tons/year), feed-grade potatoes (11,100 t/yr), and whey (12,900 t/yr) as the three primary underutilized sources of organic pig feed in Austria.” See this link. So they will have pasture also. Thats good for the enviroment to. He just started. what about sun hemp have you ever planted that. Your email address will not be published. The phosphorus and calcium content of bran is 1.15 and 0.14% respectively. They’re in an enclosure right now and maybe getting too fat, but they’re soon to enjoy some larger areas and I’m hoping they’ll trim up. ****We only use oats,grains,fruits and veggies and … Normally it is cold enough here that we don’t have a problem with molding of the bread. That is the whole point. Walters got 40 big pigs and a little suger wont do them any harm. There are also several toxic foods to avoid. This article explains a natural or whole foods diet for mini pigs. Pigs can become very aggressive when it comes to eating and will frequently compete with other pigs for food. This video above is NOT aggression, this is hormones. American Yorkshire Pig (AKA English Large White) – A breed that originated in England. Diet: Juliana Pigs eat mini pig or potbelly pig food that can be purchased at your local farm/feed store or online. These are merely reports of what we've found useful. Hi Walter, I get all the food I need plus alot more for free. Many remember the popularity of the Vietnamese Pot-bellied pigs in the 1980's. That’s good. Exactly varieties will depend on your local climate and soils. Browse new & used tractors for sale There are a lot of foods that you should avoid for one reason or another, but high carb, high sugar, obviously high sodium foods should be avoided. If you find a typo or something that needs editing please. Hello Brandon, I believe there is pork in dog feed and I am not sure of that but if so, feeding cows to cows made mad cow disease so just be careful :), Walter, I have so much appreciated your knowledge on raising pigs. If your mini pig is overweight you should take care … I disagree. Thanks for your post. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t. You can see these lovely little mini pigs in a free video below. Mini pigs have very poor eyesight. Recapturing good quality feeds before it is wasted in the dump makes a lot of sense. If your pig acts aggressively around food, or if you are noticing excessive weight gain (as indicated by rolls of fat), be sure to contact your veterinarian for specific feeding recommendations. I ask that you don't steal and you do give fair credit to the creator. Sounds yummy like! Price: Potbelly Pigs can sometimes be purchased for $15 (or less) a “feeder Pig” can cost $90 or more. Update 2014-08-28:I have often gotten the question of how much bread do we feed to our pigs. They excelled and the cost was minimal. The meat came out fine in every case. A feed trial with gestating sows showed that microbes in the stomach of pigs when digesting rye resulted in a slow rate of passage. I've heard they can't eat the onion skins because they don't break it down but the flesh is fine. For every thirty pounds of pig, they need seven pounds of food. Cooking is one step further. Thanks for the frank reply. We have been told that coal is a good thing to give pigs because of minerals? Since the pigs get almost no grain in their diet, they’ll eagerly follow you anywhere for a slice of bread or English muffin. of the load was bagels and whole wheat english muffins in addition to some other breads like dark german, 9 grain, 12 grain, etc. I could not believe my eyes. Walter Jeffries Tinker, Tailor… A bit eclectic & a tad eccentric, polymath, quantum mechanic & Farmer. Puts on fat. There are some types of hay like alfalfa (a legume) hay which are quite a bit better than grass hays. This was in December last year, but alas, I cannot find it. I am desperately in need of help. However, it is also not a prohibited food for guinea pigs. Potbellied pigs (aka pot belly pigs) are omnivores, so their natural diet in the wild would include roots, veggies, nuts, seeds, berries, worms, insects, raw eggs and other little critters. Also considered a bacon breed, Yorkshires produce a high percentage of lean meat on the carcass and low amount of backfat. Miniature Pigs, also called Mini Pig, Micro Pig, Teacup Pig or Pygmy Pig, are small breeds of domestic pig, such as the Vietnamese Pot-Bellied pig, Göttingen minipig, Juliana pig, Choctaw hog, or Kunekune (and specimens derived by crossbreeding these breeds). Regards. That is a win-win situation for everyone. My pigs are healthy and happy to prove it. Extremes in environmental temperature may make a pig consume less than normal. Let’s do that in pounds in stead of pieces. They don’t have a very long shelf life so they end up having to be withdrawn by the sell-by-date. Your biggest issue with storage may be vermin. unused whey gets soaked in grain and makes for a morning farina for the chickens. This means weighting your pig's commercial feed. Melon and Pigs – Melons are loved by pigs. Our pigs eat the leaves and vines and don't seem to have had any ill effect. Garden leftovers. Real pig pellets are, however, the best feed. In the summer they tend to get less and in the winter they tend to get more when the bread is more available because other people don’t tend to raise pigs during the cold season. I was going to try and have at least 5 growers on it so maybe that will enough and if not im guessing your saying if they don’t eat it all I will have compost to and have the best of both worlds. Healthy grains can be found in all-natural crackers, bread and cereals that don't have any added salt or sugars. Mini-pigs also should be offered hay to increase their dietary fiber content. That doesn't mean that you can just feed your pet pig trash, though. Realize that is mostly water, some sugars, a fair bit of fiber, some vitamins and minerals. “Care for a sip of water or a breath of fresh air with that slice of bread, sir? Keep adding hay. There is a variety of breads, and alot of standard white bread. You can do this every day, providing your pigs with hundreds of pounds of stale bread, donuts, and other delicious foods at all times. I have 2 Gloucester Old Spots and 1 Saddleback all 3 months old. 2. The other factor is that we only get a little occasionally, like about 200 to 300 lbs, and that gets divvied up among 400 pigs very quickly so it doesn’t have a chance to mold. And, the milk you feed them is probably been produced using another GMO = rBGH. The canine teeth (tusks) of male pigs grow throughout life, while those of females stop growing at about two years of age. If you found this article on my blog helpful I appreciate anything you can offer to help with server costs: 2015 October: Pigs on south field pasture with sheep. The same principles with some modifications apply to pigs and pretty much any animal. UltraSourceUSA. There were another couple of packages in the whole 920 lbs of bread making the pastries about half of one percent of the total. amaranth; No, I’ve never heard of it before. I will require appropriate payment. Thank you, Walter. We should all be so confident as to live by our beliefs and values, as you obviously do. Learn how your comment data is processed. During the heat of the summer you should remove it from any wrappers and let it dry out to help preserve it. I buy bread and keep it on my shelf for our consumption for weeks. Diet: Juliana Pigs eat mini pig or potbelly pig food that can be purchased at your local farm/feed store or online. The fleshy part is the most suitable but you can still dry the peels and add to their feed. The pasturing raising is just so much bonus to! Of course, a number of … My belief is to not feed my animals processed food, just as I choose not to eat processed food. For small orders we recommend purchasing through the many fine stores that carry our products. I doubt it in small quantities. Not generally a problem for short lived animals like pigs. All of these are excellent feeds and the dairy makes the pork taste deliciously sweet. You might use grain feeding (see the side of a commercial hog chow bag) as a guide but I have some concern that it might be lacking in something to be a complete diet. Will they explode :-) I grew off 2 Berks on that this year and they did great. Rin Baker was kind enough to allow us to use her video as an example of how intact pigs can act. Required fields are marked *, Check here to Subscribe to notifications for new posts. In other states it is okay to feed meat if it is cooked. It’s a treat. Plus it is good to recycle and keep the good food stuff from being trashed. Farming isn't a franchise of stamping out pink plastic pigs. The first year that I raised a few pigs, they were lean and in shape. I must admit that I am quite curious about your blunt statement about the bread being junk because it is processed food. $3.50 trash bill to dispose of bread wrappers. If you don't like that then don't leave comments. Pigs that normally finish their meals and suddenly stop doing so may be sick and should be examined by your veterinarian. If your parents haven't had that discussion about the facts of life with you yet I suggest you explain it to them. Different formulations are available based on the life stage of the pig. Affiliate of Mars Inc. 2021 |© Copyright VCA Hospitals all rights reserved. In this AnimalWised article, we're going to give you a complete guide on a pig's diet. Are the mini pigs fully grown - so at the age of two to four years - they are knee-high and can bring up to 100 kilograms on the scales. The bread is dated the day I get it or a day after so its very fresh. He will feed them almost anything. Online Ordering is now available via the Quick Order Form. You should plan on guests eating anywhere from 3-4 per person. Also be sure to click through to the other articles mentioned at the end of that article which will take you deeper into the topic. There’s not a lot to say for this one besides the fact that pigs will be more than … That isn’t very much. I have experimented with a few pigs free feeding them as much as they want to eat of bread with also having access to free pasture/hay and whey. I am looking for another post where I ask if the pig’s stomachs does not get upset if you change them from one paddock to another, considering the change in pasture. I would not worry about green potatoes - it takes a huge amount to have much effect. See the Organic Page and in the comments there too. Oranges and tangerines are mostly preferred by pig farmers. This type of feeding schedule generally is not practical for a pet mini-pig owner; therefore, pet pigs should have their daily ration divided into a minimum of 2-3 feedings, if possible. No, most hay won’t provide the needed calories and protein. I would suggest feeding it on a compost pile. If they cannot vomit up the swelling food, the stomach can rupture. I’m grateful I came across this blog. In the case of cheese it is usually the trim, the edges of the blocks that they cut when packaging. I have heard of feeding coal and some humans eat it too. Pigs that are kept as livestock usually avoid eating poisonous forage plants. That does not leave much. of it in that form, or if it could “foul” their inner workings . Pigs are very intelligent and easily learn how to open cabinet and refrigerator doors; therefore, pig-proofing (akin to child-proofing) your kitchen is typically required if you have a pig in your home. We also feed other stuff and are now trying hay like Walt talks about. If people can eat it, I can't think of an exception that pigs couldn't eat it as well. My first thought is that your climate may be a lot warmer than ours. That they should be kill at 5 months our they just add on fat layers? Walter, what is your thoughts on feeding pigs bread dough. With just 18 pigs though you might hit that. Organic multi grain breed, organic nonfat yogert, and veggies. The reality is every time you visit a web site or use email you're broadcasting your IP address and other data about your web browser and computer as well possibly yourself. If I feed them pig food at breakfast will they be so hungry by tea time that they will eat it? Feeding only one type of feed would not be ideal but the variety does them well. Can guinea pigs eat Ezekiel bread? the dog, the layers, the broilers, father-in-law’s pigs, and even the cat. Click here to learn more about about our Covid-19 safety procedures. We did not take the bread out of the little plastic bag. Bread with its carbs and calories help the pigs. Usually, a few days to a few hours prior to delivery of the litter, colostrum, a thin, yellow fluid may be … You see, my dad is on round one of raising hogs. This tends to happen in a distributed manner. Years ago a Detroit newspaper reported that in the countryside of the former Soviet Union there were billboards that read, “Comrades, it is unpatriotic to feed bread to your pigs.” As a guy who grew up in rural Nebraska, I found my curiosity aroused. Typically we get a little dated bread every few weeks from a local bakery and it makes up about 0.5% to 1% DMI of their diet. What is the bestest way to store this bread if we have enough to last a week or longer? Intact female pigs will also try and hump, they will attempt to bite a potential mate to let them know they're interested. Temperament: If you have potbelly who turned mean and aggressive, Eating them can be a viable option. Mini pigs like cucumbers, sweet peppers and croutons. Walk on the grass. I have not found that to be the case however it may depend on the bread you feed, how much and what else the pigs eat. Find a Store Near You! I would not expect that to be an issue with the dog food but do be careful of cheap sources re: the melanine disaster of a few years back. Our first 2 we feed only bread and they turn out way to fat!! I disagree with everything on the toxic list. Female potbellies come into heat every 21 days. In any case, I do not mean to belittle or demean your hog-feeding techniques. Weigh up eight pounds of bread and that is a rough equivalence – the only question being if it has everything they need. Hence the name "Teacup pig". Another difference I’ve noted is that all of the people I’ve spoke with who have had the above problems pen raised their pigs. brassicas (kale, broccoli, turnips, etc); Fit for no man or beast. Rotational grazing is traditionally used with sheep and cattle. Many actually hit puberty by the time they are three months old! I have a subcontract and distributing bread so i am left with damaged bread and i need someone to help me with them on a discounted price because i loose them anyway, Your email address will not be published. However, I have been having a problem with trying to dry the bread out fast enough before it becomes moldy. Oatmeal with fruits or vegetables for breakfast if the right pet food for miniature pigs. Meishan pigs are known to come in to puberty early. -I also wondered if I could hang the bread on the clothes line in large burlap sacks (provided I could find sacks large enough). I have also read that some people have had problems with feeding just milk producing softer fat in the bacon. You might want to bake the bread fresh daily, slather with garlic butter and serve with fried or boiled eggs for the maximum nutritional value. PIGS, MASH & GRAVY (from £5.75) Pigs in blankets, creamy mashed potato and lashings of gravy. Variety is the spice of life. Together with pasture and hay they make up a varied and balanced diet for the pigs and chickens. The fleshy part is the most suitable but you can still dry the peels and add to their feed. Unlike for dogs, there are very few packaged treats for mini pigs, but the fun part is that pigs can eat many of the things we do. I know from reading your blog that you care deeply for your animals and about the end quality of your product. In some states it may be illegal if the meat is for sale. A mini-pig’s base diet should consist of a commercially available, nutritionally balanced pelleted chow formulated for mini-pigs. If you give leftover crusts to your guinea pig or they eat a small piece of whole wheat bread, it will not cause them harm. Great winter feed for when the energy is needed to fight the cold. If you're under 13 realize that animal sex does get discussed on this site - we're a farm. However, for those who have chosen this option your pig is easily trainable with regards to using a cat litter tray. Ben, I see two packages of donuts in that photo and one package of eclairs. Pigs are omnivores, meaning they eat both vegetable and animal protein. This is how the system work. Ben YOU are VERY insulting!!!!! Just an additional $1.99 each.” Of course, there are individually packaged pads of butter. how do you feed the pigs the bread is it dry because mine turned they nose up at it. A feed trial with gestating sows showed that microbes in the stomach of pigs when digesting rye resulted in a slow rate of passage. I have managed to source a limitless supply of free organic bread (lucky me) and obviously am keen to utilise as much of this as possible. When the kids were younger we used to have bread sticks around quite a lot. Favorite sausage? Again, that may be because the dairy makes up a portion of the pig’s diet rather than the whole she-bang. Maybe I just need to get out more… Scratch that. One irony in all of this is that our pigs regularly eat excellent quality cheeses and breads that I skip over in the store because they are just too expensive to buy. ( HOWEVER WE DONT USE ANY OF THESE , WE FEED ALL NATURAL DIET) .The most popular feeds are Heartland, Peak Performance, Mazuri by … Contrary to popular opinions, pigs are smart, loving and clean animals. People sometimes miss the point that it is the quantity that matters. A mini-pig’s base diet should consist of a commercially available, nutritionally balanced pelleted chow formulated for mini-pigs. It will be a diet short on protein and calories. -I wondered if drilling holes in the container would work and just putting the bread in the barrels with the air holes in tact but then I thought that would attract bugs (if this were going to be chicken food I guess that would be okay but I am not sure about pigs). Composting action can improve hay. Thank you for your time. For optimal muscle growth you want more protein that you'll likely get with just bred for the amount of starch calories in the bread. The kids wouldn’t even eat the bacon, a sight I thought I would never see. pigs will eat meat and benefit from it, no reason not to feed meat unless that is just your preference. If you enjoy my blog please do me the favor of making links to articles you enjoy and to my blog's main page at, I'm happy to answer questions in comments. bag All of these are what are termed pre -consumer wastes that are excellent foods for the pigs. In addition to pot-bellied pigs, the term mini-pig includes an additional 14 recognized breeds of small pigs including Julianas and KuneKunes. Pigs are omnivores that typically eat multiple small meals throughout the day. I want the pigs primarily eating hay (in the winter or pasture in the warm seasons) as well as dairy to get a complete balanced diet. Also lucky at cards. Dairy is high in lysine bringing this up. However do not use my photos without my explicit written permission as that is a copyright violation. Well, this is true. :)Lindsay. Usually they eat dry pig food bought from the farm. Afterall theyre eating all that good pasture. Perhaps I was led astray by the photo, which seemed rather rich in sugary breadstuffs. smoking, cutting and packaging are buy the lb. Simple or refined carbohydrates, such as white potatoes, white bread, rolls, processed cakes, chips, cookies, high sugar content items. How bizarre! Again just in small amounts, and be careful for choking. Depending on one’s beliefs, these are both defendable positions. I couldn’t believe it! We’re committed to keeping clients and staff safe during COVID-19 with NEW admittance and check-out processes. Sale on Processing Supplies and Equipment! In the middle of the summer when it gets up to 86°F here we sometimes see mold. Hi Walter, I’ll take it. How do you value the time? When I got the meat back it looked great, no fat, pink, just great. Can guinea pigs eat bread sticks? Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs can be as heavy as 200 pounds, reach a height of 14-20 inches at the shoulders and typically live for 14-21 years. In a previous article I tried to pass along all the know-how necessary to rear eating-size porkers from weaned feeder pigs. There is no privacy on the Internet. There is a concern with things like chicken bones if they are post-consumer wastes regarding disease transmission to the pigs and back. Actually, in our case the dairy is rBGH free. Can Pigs eat citrus fruits – Not all citrus fruits are good for pigs. No guniea pigs cant they cannot have any type on bread product at all. Meishan can have litters easily of 15-17 piglets, and litters of 20 are not unheard of. Comments: When you leave a comment you are automatically giving me, my blog and any assignees permission to publish that comment on the blog and in any other form. You can give your mini pig fruits and veggies mixed in with their pellets. chicory; and Watch out for turds. I have one acre so far planted and fenced with clover, turnips, rape and a variety of other legumes already. To bad theres so much packaging but glad you are diverting all that good food. But everything in moderation. caffeinated items (such as coffee, tea, and chocolate), large amounts of breakfast cereals (especially those that contain high-phosphorus containing wheat bran that can disrupt the pig’s calcium and phosphorus balance or those that have high sodium content that can induce a condition called salt poisoning in pigs), un-pitted stone fruits (such as peaches and nectarines that contain pits that can lodge in the intestines). For those who are curious Sunn Hemp is Crotalaria juncea. This way the pigs will lower their caloric intake reducing the fat build up yet still have enough to produce the marbling that makes for the succulent meat. In fact, many new pig parents believe something is wrong because they do not seem to be able to see very well. Pigs that are kept as livestock usually avoid eating poisonous forage plants. More than one way to skin a cat (or pig, as the case may be). You should never be able to see your pigs hip bones or spine. In either case, I would have pasture/hay freely available to them. We just started raising a few pigs a year for meat and discovered the option of obtaining outdated bread from the bread outlet store. WE DO NOT RECOMMEND USING ANY OF THESE GRAIN FOODS MADE FOR "mini pigs" WE FEEL THEY TEND TO MAKE PIGS VERY BIG & NOT AS HEALTHY *** never use hog/swine food,it has steroids in it, for feeder pigs. But i have also read that pigs should be allowed to eat as much as they what to grow faster? Additionally, the thicker the bread, the safer it is for guinea pigs to eat. Oatmeal with fruits or vegetables for breakfast if the right pet food for miniature pigs. I don’t know Saddlebacks at all. We sell our pigs into the gourmet restaurant market and they get excellent prices and chefs rave about how wonderful and good quality the meat is. Look for our label in stores and restaurants... We hope you enjoy our pastured pork! Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Pigs are often referred to as the “garbage disposals” of the farm because they can, and will, eat literally anything. What really happens is on sorting days such as when we’re picking pigs to load for market they get more of a treat and on other days they get less or none. We rarely give Oscar peanut butter due to the higher fat and calorie content, but he … There are many breeds of miniature pigs, including the Vietnamese pot-bellied pig. Right now we have it stored in plastic garbage cans…..temprarily if that’s not the greatest idea. I suspect that is what you’re seeing. Every 3 ounces of bran fed, increases the dietary phosphorus intake by 2.0 grams, but increases the dietary calcium intake by only 0.2 grams. Wow, were we ever surprised. To give you a specific reason why guinea pigs cannot eat bread, here are some: It has no nutrients Any bread doesn’t have many nutrients, especially for the guinea pigs, and it can be hard for their stomach to digest it. Wilbur, Babe, and all their porky piglet brothers and sisters are omnivores, so they are just as happy chowing down on vegetables as they are digging into meat. Female pigs can rarely give birth to 25 pigs, but is possible. Frankly, I’m amazed at your snobbishness. it is worth checking around you for sources of such quality low cost feeds, especially for the winter when pasture is unavailable. Many mini pigs benefit from supplements or vitamins. Wanted to make sure I had this right. Get of your high horse. Can Pigs eat citrus fruits – Not all citrus fruits are good for pigs. Let's be real. Pastured Pigs, Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Sheep, Dogs and Kids in the Mountains of Vermont. Avoid foods high in sugar or artificial ingredients, as—like yogurt drops—they could potentially lead to enterotoxemia. Treats such as small pieces of succulent fruits or vegetables may be offered once or twice a day and are best used as rewards in training. However, the problem with doing this is that the old adage – “you are what you eat” – starts to come into play. There is no magic fix. I do find that the pigs get pretty fat. Not only did he order so many crates, but the man in charge there also gave extra. Use condition scoring to judge how to adjust the ratio of feeds rather than feed formulas. Much of the corn will pass through them and if you have chickens the birds will be delighted. thanks. about about our Covid-19 safety procedures. Do not only feed one vegetable (such as cabbage), because pigs need a varied diet to stay healthy. There are a synthetic variety used by the brew pubs which may work – just remove the inner plastic bag. Don’t you cook that? Actually, the time to go and get it and the petro, car wear, etc should be spread over other errands too but the bread was the primary reason for going in town so for the purposes of this math we’ll dedicate it all to the bread. Pick a number, any number, say: $10/hr -> $70 for the time -> $97 total cost for the bread. I find that pigs drink up to 3.6 gallons per hundred weight of pig per day when free fed pasture/hay and dairy. soft grasses (bluegrass, rye, timothy, wheat, etc); the only thing I didn’t do with those 2 was create the paddocks but it seemed like with them that they moved around so much and ate that it didn’t hurt it. Very helpful.We have just started on our second batch of pigs. When fed appropriately, they should finish each meal completely and not leave leftover food. An analysis of your pig's feces should be performed annually to check for gastrointestinal parasites. This bread is actually a small part of the pig’s diet as of now. What your considering junk is good because the animals need the extra energy to keep warm outdoors. SERVING SUGGESTIONS. Rather than gorging on the bread they only eat about 25% dry matter intake (DMI) of their total diet. In general, pigs should be fed separately to ensure that submissive animals eat enough. Pig grower is not designed for mini pigs. Spread the wealth ya know. I learned to do managed intensive rotational grazing with sheep. Enough said. It is a pre-packaged single slice of bread. We're here for you and your pet in 43 states. They also like to snack on bread and crackers, but only in moderation. – as previously posted they are indifferent at the moment! There was more in money in the packaging then in the bread! It is fresh and they love it since they get so little. Can guinea pigs eat bread crust? 10 Pig Breeds to Consider. Assuming you will use common sense, pigs can eat pretty much whatever people eat, there are a few exceptions though. That will last a long time across hundreds of pigs, maybe three or four weeks, since we don’t get it very often and use it as a treat for leading and training. The American Mini Pigs Association recommends feeding a pig 2% of its current or ideal weight a day. Even the sheep partake. They are still excellent quality and by catching them before they go to the land fill we get good feed for the pigs while keeping good organics out of the landfills. 2 lbs cooked and no grease. It is excess rather than waste. That said, I am not making any conscious effort to use all that data for evil so take a deep breath and don't worry about it since there isn't a lot you can do about it.

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