wine-grapes, in clusters, ripen in heaven’s rain. It can also counts the total number of words in a sentence, checks if a word is a palindrome and can generate a new sentence with almost the same meaning using synonyms … I shall not plan the whole action for you now, but only25 tell you of both.1230 unit 11: the odyssey Detail of Ulysses and the Sirens (1891), John William Waterhouse. He knows that the swineherd is devoted to his kingdom, and as the plot progresses, Eumaeus proves his loyalty by defending Odysseus and supporting him during the slaughter and purification of his house. high overhead a slab of solid rock to close the cave. While Odysseus has been gone, his son,Telemachus, has grown to manhood and his wife, Penelope, has been besiegedby suitors wishing to marry her and gain Odysseus’ wealth. With its storm-tossed seas, powerfulmeanings of words and phrases evildoers, and narrow escapes, it’s no wonder that Homer’s Odyssey remains oneas they are used in a text; analyze of the most famous epics in Western literature. many slightly different versions of the poems existed, and scholars began to work at restoring Go to In the next hundred lines, woe to the innocent who hears that sound! In Book 15 what are we told about Telemachus? 10 Erebus (DrPE-bEs): a region of the “Then I addressed the blurred and breathless dead, land of the dead, also known as the vowing to slaughter my best heifer for them underworld or Hades. Welcoming the unknown beggar in the name of his missing lord, Eumaeus gives him a hot meal, a drink, and a place to sleep. . Think about why “Listen,” he said, Odysseus is telling “Eumaeus, and you others, here’s a wishful Eumaeus this elaborate tale that I shall tell. Another way to say Then I sent out two picked men and a runner this line is “to learn what race of40 to learn what race of men that land sustained. 34 heaven’s azure (BzhPEr): the blue sky.35 No mortal man could scale it, nor so much abominably (E-bJmPE-nE-blC) adv. Poseidon. At sight of the man panting and dying there, she slips down to enfold him, crying out; then feels the spears, prodding her back and shoulders, and goes bound into slavery and grief.10 Piteous weeping wears away her cheeks: but no more piteous than Odysseus’ tears, cloaked as they were, now, from the company. How does he treat Odysseus, who is disguised as poor, old traveler. Melanthius / m ə ˈ l æ n θ i ə s / (Ancient Greek: Μελάνθιος), the son of Dolius, is a minor, yet important character in Homer's Odyssey: Odysseus's disloyal goatherd. Hermes, messenger of Zeus, urges the nymph Calypso to release Odysseus. Cite specific details Speaking under his breath to me, he murmured: to support your answer.‘Quiet; none of the rest should hear you.’ 5. Explain why you105 The spot will soon be plain to you, and I think as you do. Maron, had given me. as land there, not with twenty hands and feet, in a hateful way; horribly so sheer the cliffs are—as of polished stone. A practiced job against the Trojans. All ships’ companies meaning are called synonyms. What do you think of it? What does Telemachus call Eumaeus Why? Brutal battles and dangerous voyages.Workshop Spectacular triumphs and crushing defeats. They continue to eat Penelope and Telemachus out of house and home. the Sun:children and fools, they killed and feasted on a reference to an event occurring laterthe cattle of Lord Helios, the Sun, in the poem—an event that causes theand he who moves all day through heaven death of Odysseus’ entire crew.15 took from their eyes the dawn of their return. The 2004 movie Troy is a more memorized by professional reciters, who performed straightfoward adaptation of Homer’s Iliad. . Old contender, 95–96 Phaethusa (fAQE-thLPsE); will you not yield to the immortal gods? the polite loyal swineherd 2. Argos. 421–430 Now comes . What epithet is repeated in lines195 Then he dismembered them and made his meal, 211–212? © Araldo de Luca/Corbis. Paraphrase see his home: Laertes’ son, I mean, Polyphemus’ curse. I held this onomatopoeia?235 in the fire’s heart and turned it, toughening it, the wanderings of odysseus: book 9 1217 then hid it, well back in the cavern, under one of the dung piles in profusion there. RL 6 Analyze a Western literature—Odysseus, a man with many heroic traits as wellparticular point of view or cultural as human faults.experience reflected in a work ofworld literature. They are rude to not only to each other but to Telemachus and the guests, such as disguised Athena and Odysseus. Composed in Greece around 750–725 b.c., the Iliad and the Odyssey are perhaps the greatest masterpieces After Hector’s death, the Greeks brought the war to of the epic form, narrative poetry about a hero’s an end thanks to the cleverness of Odysseus, ruler of adventures. Even so, I wish you well. Eumaeus is loyal while Odysseus is away, and was treated well by Odysseus' family when he was a young child. The Greeks held Troy under siege for ten years. 2. So he saved us all, till Pallas Athena led you away at last.” text analysis workshop 1195, Part 2: The Language of Homer Because the language of Homer was ancient Greek, what you will read is an English translation. you blinded A wizard, grand and wondrous, lived here—Telemus, me: Polyphemus tells of a prophecy a son of Eurymus; great length of days made long ago by Telemus, a prophet he had in wizardry among the Cyclopes, who predicted that Polyphemus would425 and these things he foretold for time to come: lose his eye at the hands of Odysseus. He dumped it during difficult journeys.) under our planks. What does the prophecy she makes reveal about her? How does he treat Odysseus, and how does Odysseus treat him? It is an institutionalized relationship rooted in generosity, gift exchange, and reciprocity. Fresco. Following is a list of important characters. Now give those kine a wide berth, keep your thoughts intent upon your course for home, and hard seafaring brings you all to Ithaca. among his family in his father land,450 far be that day, and dark the years between. Now when I cupped my hands I heard the crew in low voices protesting: ‘Godsake, Captain! they treat him as equal. in my own ship, with my own company, and find out what the mainland natives are— for they may be wild savages, and lawless,75 or hospitable and god fearing men.’At this I went aboard, and gave the word 77 stern: the rear end of a cast off by the stern. . Book 10: Circe, the Grace of the Witch Eventually, Odysseus and his men arrive • Keep track of the events. Try to identify the techniques that artist’s choices of what to include and emphasize affecthelped the artist create that impression. I tookthe woolliest ram, the choicest of the flock,and hung myself under his kinky belly, pulled up tight, with fingers twisted deep 353 pectoral fleece: the wool covering345 in sheepskin ringlets for an iron grip. Through the story, he hopes to encourage Eumaeus to give him—a supposed stranger—the cloak off his back. a. mike rode his bike on mountain trails because he found them challenging. He hefted his great boulder into place and sat him down to milk the bleating ewes250 in proper order, put the lambs to suck, and swiftly ran through all his evening chores. English, 21.06.2019 16:00, nikkipete77. Which sentence has an adjective clause? turning it as a shipwright turns a drill 300 adze (Bdz): an axlike tool with in planking, having men below to swing a curved blade.295 the two-handled strap that spins it in the groove. 89 coast: sail along the coast of. Drunk, hiccupping, he dribbled streams of liquor and bits of men. Does the piece show large things or small ones? .” s Odysseus speaks to the shade of his mother. Avoid those kine, hold fast to your intent, RL 590 and hard seafaring brings you all to Ithaca. Chateux deMalmaison et Bois-Preau, Rueil-Malmaison, France. Explain and His Lady your answer. dict_files/eng_com.dic This class can parse, analyze words and interprets sentences. It recounts the adventures of ansuch effects as mystery, tension, epic hero, a larger-than-life figure who undertakes great journeys and performsor surprise. 89–91 kine; beeves: two words for cattle. t No, no, put all your backs into it, row on; invoke Blind Force, that bore this scourge of men, to keep her from a second strike against you. In the glare he saw us. book 5:Calypso, the Sweet NymphFor seven of the ten years Odysseus has spent wandering the Mediterranean Sea, hehas been held captive by the goddess Calypso on her island. the way they make soft iron hale and hard—: just so that eyeball hissed around the spike. What of those yearsof rough adventure, weathered under Zeus? . What do you learn about Sure no man’s driving off your flock? say first? Someone should volunteer character like Eumaeus. 432 the god of earthquake: Poseidon. He saw the townlandsand learned the minds of many distant men,and weathered many bitter nights and daysin his deep heart at sea, while he fought onlyto save his life, to bring his shipmates home.10 But not by will nor valor could he save them,for their own recklessness destroyed them all— 11–13 their own recklessness . Xenia is an important theme in Homer's Odyssey. the wanderings of odysseus: book 5 1209. book 9:New Coasts and Poseidon’s SonIn Books 6–8, Odysseus is welcomed by King Alcinous, who gives a banquet in hishonor. . Eumaeus invites Odysseus in to eat and drink and tell his story. scented the farthest shores with cedar smoke and smoke of thyme, and singing high and low 28 purple clusters: grapes.20 in her sweet voice, before her loom a-weaving, she passed her golden shuttle to and fro. answer choices . We worked in toward the bluffs and battlements 3. . his voice. or over endless land in a swish of the wind, 5 and took the wand with which he charms asleep— 8 Pieria (pF-îrPC-E): an area next to Mount or when he wills, awake—the eyes of men. Desire moved his throat to hail you, but Odysseus’ great hands clamped over his jaws, and held. "[20] (Herman also sees an echo of this in the medieval ceremony of homage, in the exchange between a would-be-vassal and the lord. Ahead are beetling rocks 25 beetling: jutting or overhanging. Seeing this ghost I grieved, but held her off, through pang on pang of tears,65 till I should know the presence of Tiresias. How does Telemachus avoid the ambush by the suitors when he arrives back at home? Eumaios is Ithakan swineherd who takes Odysseus in when he returns home in the guise of a beggar, and he shows us that it's not just kings who can be hospitable—even swineherds know how to treat a guest right. They were also the first works read by Greek schoolchildren. Eyelid and lash were seared; the pierced ball Find the epic similes in lines 292–297 hissed broiling, and the roots popped. 17 Polites (pE-lFPtCz).No one would speak, until Polites—mostfaithful and likable of my officers, said: ‘Dear friends, no need for stealth: here’s a young weaver20 singing a pretty song to set the air a-tingle on these lawns and paven courts. But if you raid the beeves, I see destruction105 for ship and crew. Midway that height, a cavern full of mist L 4c opens toward Erebus and evening. telling me, mind the gods! In Book 14 who does Odysseus go to first when he returns home? He must sail for 20 days before landing on the island ofScheria, where he will be helped in his effort to return home. So, squealing, in they went. Or are you wandering rogues, who cast your lives the wanderings of odysseus: book 9 1215 like dice, and ravage other folk by sea?’160 We felt a pressure on our hearts, in dread of that deep rumble and that mighty man. To break the ten-year stalemate, even sung, and it may not have been until several Odysseus thought of a scheme to make the Trojans generations later that these traditional stories were set think that the Greeks had finally given up. She replies that they must first visit the land of the dead and hear aprophecy from the ghost of Tiresias. and burn the choice bits on the altar fire; 5 as for Tiresias, I swore to sacrifice 18 flay: to strip off the outer skin of. was a Titan, one of an earlier race of gods. He took the chair left empty now by Hermes, where the divine Calypso placed before him victuals and drink of men; then she sat down65 facing Odysseus, while her serving maids brought nectar and ambrosia to her side. What verb in line 49 is a homophone of born?45 though she is huge and monstrous. In fact, he simply calls him "old man of many sorrows" (14.386)— which actually sounds about right. How does each background affect the Why might an artist choose such an abstract style? Butler’s Translation of the “Odyssey” appeared originally in 1900, and The Authoress of the Odyssey in 1897. Stand clear, put up your sword; let me but taste of blood, I shall speak true.’ At this I stepped aside, and in the scabbard75 let my long sword ring home to the pommel silver, as he bent down to the sombre blood. k 312 Polyphemus (pJlQE-fCPmEs): The Cyclops bellowed and the rock roared round him, the name of the Cyclops.305 and we fell back in fear. And now I pondered how to hurt him worst, if but Athena granted what I prayed for. They dishonor Odysseus and his family. What character traits has Odysseus Bashed by this hand and bashed on this rock wall demonstrated in his dealings with his brains would strew the floor, and I should have Polyphemus? What archetype does Helen represent? Consider any relationship between Upon her hearthstone a great fire blazing her white dress and the white clouds. Around the smoothwalled cave a crooking vine held purple clusters under ply of green; and four springs, bubbling up near one another30 shallow and clear, took channels here and there through beds of violets and tender parsley.1206 unit 11: the odyssey Calypso (c. 1906), George Hitchcock. Out of the cave the mammoth Polyphemus roared in answer: ‘Nohbdy, Nohbdy’s tricked me, Nohbdy’s ruined me!’ To this rough shout they made a sage reply: ‘Ah well, if nobody has played you foul320 there in your lonely bed, we are no use in pain given by great Zeus. Odysseus is reminding the Cyclops that Zeus will punish anyone who mistreats ‘Strangers,’ he said, ‘who are you? Less beautiful? The epic hero is an archetypal has wandered the seas for many years. plot of each epic are the Trojan War, the heroism of Odysseus, and the interference of the gods. of old: Now I recall420 At this he gave a mighty sob and rumbled: the destiny predicted long ago. No words were lost on Hermes the Wayfinder, 1–6 Hermes (hûrPmCz): the messenger who bent to tie his beautiful sandals on, of the gods, also known for his cleverness ambrosial, golden, that carry him over water and trickery. . Check Pages 1 - 50 of Holt Literature Textbook - 9th grade - Unit 11 - The Odyssey in the flip PDF version. How does the artist’s Listen with care depiction of the Sirens affect your to this, now, and a god will arm your mind. Going forward I carried wax along the line, and laid it thick on their ears. Immortal, too, their cowherds are—their shepherds— 95 Phaethusa and Lampetia, sweetly braided nymphs that divine Neaera bore to the overlord of high noon, Helios. As you read this excerpt, use what you’ve learned to make sense of the :from 14 Hospitality in the Forest Close Read 1. This is why artists called pictures representing the things which were sent to guests ‘xenia.’"[22], Architectural theorist Simon Weir explained how Vitruvius refers to xenia at the beginning of Book 6 of De Architectura, in the anecdote of Aristippus shipwrecked and receiving hospitality from the Rhodians. No, you’ll not sleep cold for lack of cover, or any other comfort one should give55 to a needy guest. Discuss theL 4 Determine or clarify the heroic qualities of each person. way you view and understand the scene? Their courteous and respectful treatment show … How does Telemachus treat the swineherd? [20] Within the ritual it was important that the return gift be offered immediately after receiving a gift with each commensurate rather than attempting to surpass each other in value. ‘Only instruct me, goddess, if you will, What is Circe’s advice to Odysseus? On thrones she seated them, and lounging chairs, 27–36 What happens to the men after while she prepared a meal of cheese and barley they drink Circe’s magic potion? The gods have tried me in a thousand ways. If one had poorly played host to a stranger, there was the risk of incurring the wrath of a god disguised as the stranger. Reminding Zeus of sacrifices made to him during the Trojan boxed. Beside this, how does eumaeus help Odysseus? It tells the story of the Greek warrior Achilles and his quarrel with Menelaus’ brother Agamemnon, ending with the death and funeral of Paris’ brother Hector.1188 unit 11: the odyssey, The Heroic Story of Odysseus The Odyssey deals with human ways, often engaging in their own trivialOdysseus’ adventures as he makes his way home from quarrels and petty jealousies. . "[20], Plato makes mention of Zeus Xenios while discussing his journey to meet Dion of Syracuse in The Seventh Letter.[21]. © Bridgeman Art Library. I had touched the spot when sudden fear stayed me: if I killed him we perished there as well, for we could never move his ponderous doorway slab aside.210 So we were left to groan and wait for morning.When the young Dawn with fingertips of roselit up the world, the Cyclops built a fire iand milked his handsome ewes, all in due order,1216 unit 11: the odyssey. We landed there Synonyms Words with the same to take on water. 3 stars because the words, strung together in a stream-of-consciousness mellifluous, onomatopoeic way, read just beautifully. He treats him as a long lost son returns and greets him with kisses and tears. Now, by the gods, I drove my big hand spike deep in the embers, charring it again, and cheered my men along with battle talk285 to keep their courage up: no quitting now. Instead, he encounters various instances of divine interference. My name is Nohbdy: mother, father, and friends,275 everyone calls me Nohbdy.’ And he said:‘Nohbdy’s my meat, then, after I eat his friends.Others come first. name has paid off. Scarce had they drunk when she flew after them with her long stick and shut them in a pigsty— bodies, voices, heads, and bristles, all35 swinish now, though minds were still unchanged. Most modern scholars agree that the Homeric Ulysses (“Ulysses” is a Latin form of Odysseus’ name), poems are the work of one or two exceptionally talented in which he turned a day in the life of an ordinary bards—singers who made up their verses as they sang. This is known as an epic simile. the wanderings of odysseus: book 10 1225, book 11:The Land of the Dead Odysseus and his crew set out for the land of the dead. “i am laertes’ son” How would you describe the expression on Odysseus’ face “What shall I in this sculpture? The following list of terms and About 1650: Ulysses Returns Chryseis to Her Father, Claude related questions may help you identify and think Lorrain. As you read, notice trait has been boxed. He instead left each with the goal of returning to Ithaca and reclaiming his family and his home. He seeks out old comrades of his father to see if he can learn of his whereabouts but is advised by Athena to return home. What shall I keep until the end? It captivates us because it is athe cumulative impact of specific compelling narrative and a window into a time and place different from our own.word choices on meaning andtone. The strong god glittering left her as he spoke, c EPIC HERO and now her ladyship, having given heed45 to Zeus’s mandate, went to find Odysseus Reread lines 43–54. Color print. Do you thinkan author’s choices concerning of someone with unusual physical strength? As luck would have it, the men I would have chosen won the toss— four strong men, and I made five as captain. Here, for instance, episode that Menelaus is 5 is what he did—had the cold nerve to do— describing. Oil on canvas, 100 cm × 201.7 cm. ‘My ship? No man turned away when cups of this came round. They arrive assuage (E-swAjP) v. to calm or pacify and find the place to which Circe has directed them. Historian Gabriel Herman lays out the use of xenia in political alliances in the Near East. incorporate what are probably written versions of such declarations. RL 5 Analyze how When you hear the word hero, who comes to mind? The swineherd there says that the needy and the stranger are from Zeus and he who fails to help them sins against Zeus himself. His rage held hard in leash, submitted to his mind, while he himself rocked, rolling from side to side, as a cook turns a sausage, big with blood and fat, at a scorching blaze, without a pause, to broil it quick: so he rolled left and right, . Through his plan of vaporing wine, that makes a serious man action, what traits does 5 break down and sing, kick up his heels and clown, he display? The Iliad takes place during the tenth year of this war. Does the piece have large, bold shapes or smaller, more complex ones? (Amphitrite is the the gods in bliss have named them—named them well. What are the effects of this300 one sees a white-hot axehead or an adze figurative language? Low she sang in her beguiling voice, while on her loom15 she wove ambrosial fabric sheer and bright,1224 unit 11: the odyssey, by that craft known to the goddesses of heaven. 11–13 Mount Neion’s (nCPJnzQ); Dulichium10 My home is on the peaked sea-mark of Ithaca (dL-lGkPC-Em); Same (sAPmC); Zacynthus under Mount Neion’s wind-blown robe of leaves, (zE-sGnPthEs). I had a goatskin full of a specified weight, used as money of that sweet liquor that Euanthes’ son, in ancient Greece. At this, text analysis workshop 1201 Thoas jumped up, the young son of Andraemon,45 put down his crimson cloak and headed off, running shoreward. How do the suitors treat Odysseus. Good Host. But Zeus disdained my offering; destruction for my ships he had in store and death for those who sailed them, my companions. Explain. BOOK X THE HANNIBALIAN WAR—THE RECOVERY OF TARENTUM. Odysseus is recognized by his old hunting-dog Argus (iii). Three bowls I brought him, and he poured them down.270 I saw the fuddle and flush come over him, 286 the pike: the pointed stake. Throughout the unit, you will see how numerous • Look at the composition of each piece. What is Telemachus’ main diplomatic challenge in this book? Models for the Ages Homer’s epics became models for many later writers, including the Roman poet Virgil, who wrote his own epic in Latin. men: pray to the goddess 75 Swiftly that loveliest goddess answered me: Blind Force, who gave birth to Scylla. Do you think Odysseus hasto tell the men only of Circe’s warnings about the Sirens, whom they will the power to steer his fate? book :from 4 The Red-Haired King 2. honey-smooth—in twenty more of water, 130–132 Why does Odysseus refuse his but still the sweet scent hovered like a fume men’s “sound” request?110 over the winebowl. And where from? interfering gods and goddesses and its strange lands and creatures, must have seemed as full of mysteryThe Intervention of the Gods and Goddesses and danger as science fiction and fantasy adventuresAdding another dimension to the human struggles seem to people today. What does odysseus use to reveal his identity to the cow and swineherd. . Holt Literature Textbook - 9th grade - Unit 11 - The Odyssey was published by bknight on 2016-10-27.
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