A patakí explains that Ochún in the form of a peacock flew to heaven to talk to Olofi about a problem the Orichás were having on earth. Oshun is the African Goddess of love. Oshun . No one else was brave enough to do this, because they knew Olorún (the sun) would burn them to a crisp. Oshun the Diviner, Sophia Wisdom: Oshun Ololodi — Oshun, the diviner. Oshun’s presented as an attractive young woman widely loved for providing protection and relief for the poor and the sick. Oshun is a beautiful, oracular Goddess of love. Symbols and Embodiments: Storms, wind, whirlwinds, hurricanes, storm and/or disease vector symbols, chaos symbol (cross of two or four arrows) with whirlwind (tapering zigzag), more symbols below… Oya is the Orisha of wind, storms, thunder, and change. Beyoncé embodies the goddess of love and fertility in many different areas. She is the goddess of love, beauty, fertility, and prosperity. She is particularly associated with feminine beauty, as well as relationships between people in general. Oshun is the goddess of fresh water (opposite to the salty, ocean waters of Yemoja), sensuality, prosperity, love, and fertility. According to legends, Oshun didn't always know how to tell the future. Generous and beneficent, she opens her eyes to let us peek into what the future holds for relationships. Oshun’s Correspondences: Herbs: belladonna, cardamom, raspberry, foxglove, hibiscus, strawberry Color: blue Planet: Moon Day: Monday Element: Water Feminine Face: Mother Symbols: sea shells, undines. Oshun is the seductive orisha of love and marriage and fertility, and she rules the genitals and the lower abdomen. Much is made of the Reiki symbols, and every student wants to learn them and harness their power. Known as the Goddess of love and life, Oshun is a beloved deity in many Yoruba societies, in both Africa and its diasporic communities. Invoke this goddess and let her re-introduce you to healthy womanhood. She is benevolent, very generous and kind. Oshun is very well known and respected. "Oshun's themes are divination and love. A key figure in the Yoruba religion, Oshun is known as the people’s goddess and the ultimate symbol of femininity, fertility and sensuality. Her symbols are flowing water, seashells and amber beads. Between her album Lemonade and her being pregnant during her grammy award, there are many references that Queen Bey has made to Queen Oshun. She was… She is also associated with rivers and other sources of fresh water. Oshun has made her stance in movies, plays, songs, and even is the orisha of Beyoncé. She wants people’s best and she brings all the things that make life worth living. This beautiful Orisha goddess is believed to be one of wives of Shango, the greatest warrior-king and the god of … The ruling planet Venus is also the Roman goddess of love, whose Orisha equivalent is Oshun. Oshun, or Ochun…in the Yoruba religion, is an Orisha who reigns over love, intimacy, beauty, wealth and diplomacy… According to the Yoruba elders, Oshun is the “unseen mother present at every gathering”, because Oshun is the Yoruba understanding of the cosmological forces of water, moisture, and attraction… Oshun is the force of harmony. Symbols are used for healing in many systems. The daughter of Oshun is another important figure in African mythology and both Oshun and Oshun's daughter are worshipped by many people. Among several powerful Yoruba deities (Orishas), there is Oshun, goddess of river, love, money, prosperity, fertility and abundance. goddess, Osun, quietly, loyally and anonymously waxing love and judicious judgement in line with the omni-potent and the omni-present will of the beloved lady, blessed Osun. If you are looking for some Yoruba Goddesses' names and information about their life, we have put together this list for you. 18. A much-used symbol is very powerful because using it is like tapping into a reservoir of all the power invested in it. Pele; Her Story: Pele is the infamous volcano goddess of Hawaii. In this video, I discuss the benefits of working with the goddess Oshun. Oshun is a particularly sensuous goddess and has been associated with many lover and husbands. Both the peacock and the vulture are her symbols.

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