Toulouse don’t reach their full size and girth until they are 3-5 years old. They can live for up to 40 years. Hi Ann: Congratulations on news of adding the Giant Dewlap to your flock, you will love them!!! French Toulouse geese have a calm disposition and weigh 15-18 lbs. Everyone who raises Heritage Livestock has a “dream” breed that they wish they could have. They are giant exhibition dewlap Toulouse geese which are often bred for foie gras, meaning they’re used to being handled and therefore generally docile. Probably my favorite breed of geese is the giant Dewlap Toulouse. The birds are in their first year of breeding; the male is treading well and the female is laying eggs every two to three days. In August of 2019 I purchased a breeding pair of exhibition giant dewlap toulouse geese from Mr. ***** ***** of Chapel View Farms. If you want purebred geese, make sure you separate your geese by breed during the mating season. Excellent fertility results are being achieved from eggs incubated so far this season. "Gentle Ben" As a Yearling. The key to producing this breed that represent the standard is breeding selectively and pairing the best of pedigrees to ensure maximum results. Today the Dewlap Toulouse is raised as a meat goose, farm pet and exhibition/show bird. She was the first member of our little farm and she came to us when my kids needed her the most. They are rare and endangered, and their numbers have consistently declined in recent decades. Scott Mitchell and Rod Clow of Willow Creek Poultry in Bonshaw, PEI raise Exhibition Dewlap Toulouse geese, and they concur that the Dewlap is the most challenging bird to raise in their entire operation. Chapel View Exhibition Giant Dewlap Toulouse Geese At Chapel View we work tirelessly to produce the Best Exhibition Giant Dewlap Toulouse Geese possible. Goose Breeds & Varieties. Beauty and her Beasts – Quarry Garden Farm, Barnyard Organics & their Field of Dreams, -Heritage Livestock Spotlight- Large Black Hog, -Heritage Livestock Spotlight- The Canadienne Cow, -Heritage Livestock Spotlight-The Newfoundland Pony. And the Exhibition type have more exaggerated features. Dewlap Toulouse Geese are the gentle giants of the waterfowl world. They can live for up to 40 years. It has fluffy plumage, which makes it appear even larger than it is. For sale - Giant Exhibition Dewlap Toulouse Goose Hatching Eggs. We brought them home and had no idea what to do with them, but they came into the house and ended up being so much fun to look after and raise. My line... . Facebook 0 Twitter 0 Linkedin 0 Email 0 Print 0. Thanks to Scott Mitchell and Rod Clow of Willow Creek Poultry, who you can follow on Facebook. Even though the Production and Dewlap Toulouse are considered the same “breed” they  differ in many areas including: appearance, body structure and conservation status. Resources:,, and If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. They were miserable, school was horrible and familiar family and friends were very far away. The Production Toulouse has a smaller body frame and lacks the dewlap (flaps of skin that hang beneath the lower jaw). Do I feed them supplemental minerals? Geese are challenging birds to breed anyway, as they are seasonal layers, meaning they do not lay eggs all year long. These eggs can sell at a premium through well known auction sites. Eggs have been candled and are showing fertile. Performance & security by Cloudflare, Please complete the security check to access. The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy has divided the Toulouse goose into three sub groups. Also, this breed will continue to grow for several years, not reaching its peak development until it is at least three years old. I also love their personalities, they are a quiet goose that are in no rush to get anywhere.”, Rod: “…they are the gentle giants of the waterfowl world, just so beautiful to watch walk around the farm yard and grazing on the lawn.”. Oxford, Oxfordshire. So for my first feature in my Heritage Livestock Spotlight series, I will be covering the Dewlap Toulouse Goose. Completing the CAPTCHA proves you are a human and gives you temporary access to the web property. X. A gander should be set up with no more then two females to ensure better fertility success. Enjoy your new additions when they arrive , Your email address will not be published. Big breeds always catch my eye. They are a heavy breed that can easily reach weights of up to 30 lbs or more. I’m looking forward to reading more of your blogs and articles. My “dream” goose was the rare Dewlap Toulouse Goose, and this year I was very lucky to get a pair. At the APA National 1994, his son, "Junior Ben", won Grand Champion Goose and Reserve Champion Waterfowl. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. If so what and in what form? All from different bloodlines. I have had Africans for many years and most of the flock would trace back to Holderread breeding. Sven told the Yorkshire Evening Post the giant exhibition dewlap Toulouse geese are very placid. Either way the Dewlap Toulouse is considered a quiet breed with a very docile disposition, they are affectionately referred to as the “Gentle Giants”. In England during the 1850's, the Large Dewlap Toulouse was developed for exhibition purposes from the common Toulouse. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. The Dewlap Toulouse is a domesticated goose that originated from the city of Toulouse in France. Our flock also includes Ancona ducks, Pure White Sebastopol Geese and Giant Exhibition Dewlap Toulouse Geese! Hatching: March to June. £150. This unique breed has a large dewlap of skin hanging below its beak, a deep keel hanging from its breast, and two lobes in its full paunch. The males are continuing to tread well and the females are laying consistently. I know they will need extra calcium, but in what form? These are from my own strain of exhibition standard bred birds. The American Poultry Association divides breeds of geese into three classes based on body weight. Further specialized care to young Dewlap Toulouse goslings includes access to unlimited food with additional calcium to support the development of their large frame. Once they are on Duck Grower, they should have access to grass as well. African Geese (sometimes called Giant Dewlap African or Super African): Brown and Buff I consider the Exhibition Dewlap Toulouse to be the "gentle giants" of the goose kingdom. There are a few reasons why the Dewlap would be listed in this range: The Dewlap Toulouse is considered the most challenging domestic goose to raise successfully. GIANT EXHIBITION DEWLAP TOULOUSE GEESE GOSLINGS - YouTube. Scott says “ you may have a gander paired up with a female in one pen, but he may be in love with a female in the next pen”. My original birds came from Darrel Sherraw's Hickorynut Farm and then I added a few others over the years. Getting the geese was our “gateway” livestock experience, we soon after built a chicken coop and filled it up with chickens. Dewlap gosling should be started on Duck Starter feed until they are a month old, then gradually switch over to Duck Grower. They all come running every time I open the door to go outside and are always happy to see me! For us Quality is 50% Pedigree + 50% Nutrition. Large Dewlap Toulouse . Please enable Cookies and reload the page. Their success also includes their ability to be excellent at hatching and raising their young. Toulouse Geese Exhibition Quality. There are two types and the "dewlap" Toulouse is the largest breed of goose, adults sometimes weighing in at close to 30 pounds. The kids needed a pet, but my son’s severe fur allergies gave us few options. Toulouse Geese Exhibition Quality . Categories : Poultry 101 Tags : a and best breeding does fluffy food for france friendly head heritage hole how in most of perfect scrambled that the to toulouse-geese … MY GOSLING HAVING A CUDDLE AND A PLAY, THIS GOES TO SHOW JUST HOW FRIENDLY YOU CAN GET THESE GENTLE GIANTS. I am getting two male giant Dewlap Toulouse geese in May of this year, 2020. The breed Toulouse Goose actually has two types: The Production Toulouse is the most common and popular goose found on farms. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. Dewlap Toulouse are a large goose, so the goslings hatch as a large gosling and often with splayed legs, as they are unable to hold their own weight. Our geese will fully integrate with all the other breeds that we offer. Your IP: Cackle Hatchery’s® flock of toulouse geese are a production type and not the exhibition type that have the pronounced dewlap… Sven told the Yorkshire Evening Post the giant exhibition dewlap Toulouse geese are very placid. The Dewlap Toulouse is a massively boned bird, bred for ability to gain weight rapidly and produce fois gras. 30+ days ago. I am already smittened with my pair, Henry and Ruthie, and I am excited to watch them grazing on our property this coming summer. Both the Standard and Exhibition Dewlap Toulouse are massively boned birds and top the scales between 20-30 lbs.

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