We did take her to the vet but the vet said she didn’t have mites or fleas and didn’t know what caused it. Other dog breeds shed their fur more rapidly, and maintain a perfect haircut with no cut needed whatsoever, the same way hamsters and ferrets do. Did you ever figure out the source of the whisker loss? In such a case, use wide flat feeding bowls to reduce vibrissae stress. It is a kind of guide … Glad her muzzle is no longer pink and without hair. And if the missing whiskers are obvious to you, it may be time for a visit to the vet, or at the very least an inspection of your cat’s surroundings. While whiskers do grow back, cats need them in order to make sense of the world around them. It is also painful for the cat. I would never do it for any other reason, except for medical or the cat’s comfort. Yeah, but Wade hasn’t noticed any side effects. Any unruly whiskers will naturally be replaced when they are shed off. My Cat Wants Way Too Much Attention! This sign of affection does not bother me except his whiskers going up my nose, needless to say it not only drives me crazy but cost me sleep. In terms of allergies, look out for other allergy symptoms in cats. Cheddar, Cottage, Cream, Feta? Humans lose only around 50-100 hairs a day out of the 90,000-150,000 hairs just on our heads alone. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases; learn more here. He did it while Avery was visiting for mere hours, and we never left the room, still I didn’t notice the missing hair until later. Join me & my furries in our little corner of the feline-obsessed world. If you cut your cat's whiskers, they will grow back, but you'll be depriving your cat of important information. Known also as vibrissae or tactile hairs, the whiskers serve several functions and are highly sensitive. Whiskers are harder, thicker, and firmer hairs on a cat that allow a cat to sense what’s around them quickly and easily, which makes getting into small spaces, gauging whether their bodies can even fit, even determining how windy it is much easier due to the sensory data they get out of their whiskers. their purpose and function and why and how cats use them on their bodies, toys like these that allow cats to play by themselves, Sturdy, Durable, & Built to Last: Solid Wood Cat Trees, Big & Small. LOL! Are there plenty of whiskers left over? Hi, I'm Elise! Most of the hair came back. January 13, 2019 by Elise Xavier | Updated: July 7, 2020 - 4 Comments, Made your way here because you’ve noticed a whisker or two lying on the ground in your home? We use cookies to help give you the best experience. Not painful or anything, just not good. However, if you pluck a cat’s whiskers, it will feel pain because the root of the whiskers does have pain receptors. However, plucking them will be very painful since their hair follicles have a lot of nerves. If you’ve seen your cat barber/overgroom to the point of hair loss or even scabbing, the loss of whiskers may be caused by the same thing. They use their whiskers to see if they are able to go into small places. With these whiskers the cat assesses the area, as … However, trimming or cutting a cat’s whiskers may result in secondary damage because the cat will have to make do without these sensory organs. The fully blind one walks and jumps around the apartment as if he can see, which goes to show that his whiskers are impressive sensory tools. Damage a cat’s whiskers and it will cause them not only discomfort, but also to become confused and disorientated, among other negative side effects. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in … If my whiskers don’t fit, I’ll have to find another way. Your email address will not be published. Obsessed with cats. Cats do not shed all the whiskers at the same time. An important difference between human hair, fur, and whiskers is that it is uncomfortable for a cat to have their whiskers clipped, so that is something you should never do. Have you ever had a cat lose more than a regular amount of kitty whiskers? Without their tactile hairs, cats become very disoriented and frightened. Some cats get grumpy and whiskers will help show it. Although such whisker shedding is normal, intensive shedding may be a sign of some medical ailment, such as sores, dry patches or skin sensitivity. Breeds like Maltese dogs, poodles, and Shih Tzus have hair that grows like hair on human heads does – long, and without being replaced all that often. But you came here to talk about whiskers, so let’s get to the next point…. I collect the spent whiskers, and have a special box for them. At one time my cat’s muzzle was all pink/no hair. Chili Bruce came to use with one white whisker, and that whisker was the only way that I could tell him apart from his twin brother, Manny. I know he will be ok, but how long will it take for his whiskers to grow back? Do cats shed their whiskers? On the other hand, it is completely painless if a cat loses whiskers naturally. Would you even have been able to realize your cat lost a couple whiskers had you never found the lost whisker or two lying on the floor? My words upon realizing: To prevent this kind of thing from happening, I’d encourage pet owners that have multiple cats to make sure if they see any type of bullying or fighting going on, to do their best to discourage this kind of behaviour right at the get go, even if it doesn’t appear to be serious at first. Have a quick inspection of your cat’s face. Above is an entire article explaining why you shouldn’t modify, trim, pluck, or play with your cat’s whiskers written by a pet care specialist. My Cat Doesn’t & I’m Concerned: What Can I Do? You'll get notified each time there's a new post on the blog. There are likely to be clues in this type of data. Essentially, your cat "sees" its environment through the information it gathers from its whiskers. Poor Daisy Mae! My 2c, but if you have any experience with this, I would love to know what you think about this in the comments below. If your cat’s lost considerably more than a couple whiskers recently, and you can visibly tell there’s less whiskers on him or her, especially if you noticed there were less whiskers by looking at his or her face, and not simply finding “evidence” of lost whiskers on the floor of your house or the ground outside where your cat roams – there may be an issue. With their help cats easily avoid obstacles without bumping into them; 3. It does not hurt to cut or trim them. That’s because when those specific symptoms happen to humans, they’re quite normal and don’t typically indicate anything to be stressed over. Therefore, avoid brushing them roughly or when petting your feline friend, be gentle, avoid plucking or pulling them very hard as it is very painful to do so. You probably do not want to pet a cat that looks like this. Mite infestations are another potential cause of loss of fur and whiskers, which may be accompanied by sore, irritated skin as well. It’s those nerves that react when the whiskers are touched. When a cat has these seemingly insignificant symptoms, however, they’re actually a subtle indication there’s likely to be trouble brewing with your feline’s health. What Does It Mean? You should not even try to curl them or modify them in any way. Cats haven’t got a way to tell us when something’s up and if they’re in pain through language, so it’s up to us to double check anything we suspect may be a symptom is a-ok. And vets have the hard role of trying to determine what’s wrong with a furry patient that can’t voice how they physically feel, so the more potentially relevant information you can collect about your pet to report back to your vet with, the faster you may be able to help an accurate diagnosis to be made. I was trying to clean it up and shave the hair around it…and you can guess..I shaved his whiskers on one side;-(. They will grow back naturally. My Cat Sleeps All Day: Is This Normal? Health related, one explanation could be allergies. Take … When he lost that, we prayed that he’d grow another, but so far, no luck. It upset her hole sensory;, feeling, balance, etc. Did you know that cats lose their whiskers already? All though they will take time, they grow back just like any other body hair. I find random whiskers in my bed or on the floor every once and a while. I absolutely love your comment about calling them by their correct names when you know who’s who – too funny! Therefore, it is untrue to claim that clipping or trimming them will lead to balance loss. There are at least a few different symptoms I’ve come across that to humans are likely to appear to be nothing. But whiskers are hairs, nonetheless, and as such, they are shed like all the rest of the hair on a cat’s body. Maneuver in the Dark. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. My Cat Bites, Then Licks Me: Why? We also have whiskers on other parts of our body besides our face. Where to Keep (& Not Keep) a Cat’s Litter Box in a Small Apartment. I leave him with about an inch of whiskers when done and only takes seconds. Learn more here. Your email address will not be published. Yet Wade seems to think that none of this advice applies to his own cat; even an indoor cat needs to navigate a home, from jumping and climbing to walking through doorways. Figured I might as well blog about 'em. On a side note, the idea of cutting whiskers to an inch in length seems a tad bizarre. No it doesn't hurt them. Here’s the trick, though: You have to make sure you’re doing it right. However, there are common diseases of the whiskers that can cause abnormal shedding, including bacterial infections, mange, burns, trauma due … And when should you become concerned? This article will answer these questions and more." You'd be wrong! We use touch to understand our environment. itemprop="description I feel so bad. Cat whiskers are also mobile. Dig KittyClysm? This would be extremely hard for a blind cat to deal with! My cat’s allergic to something what I’m not sure. Does it hurt a cat to cut its whiskers? Looking forward to reading your comments down below! It's like when you lose an eyelash. These animals maintain their balance in their inner ear while whiskers work as sensory organs. Feline acne can in some cases lead to loss of whiskers, particularly given that feline acne commonly presents around the cat’s nose and chin. Oh my wow! Well, similar to humans, cats regularly shed their hair to make room for other hair! I have a slew scattered around the house, so when my cats get bored, even if I’m busy or not even home, my furries are able to actively play. Cats and kittens lose their whiskers or vibrissae. Even if you’ve never owned a cat in your life before, you likely know one thing very well about cats in relation to their hair/fur: cats shed. But back the talk about whiskers falling out…, Grumpy Cat Hairball Fluffy Cat Toy – Amazon / eBay. Let them be shed off naturally. Your cat is just fine and very healthy in this regard if you never could have otherwise noticed. I rely on body shape and attitude to tell them apart, but I’m wrong often. See more of them on my personal blog, E&T. Why you should not cut or trim cat whiskers? The causes for overgrooming can be down to stress or anxiety, or allergies, as well as a few other things (like parasites), but be sure when you take your cat in to the vet to let him/her know that the whisker loss is a symptom that’s likely related to the overgrooming if you think it is. Required fields are marked *. It does not hurt to cut or trim them. They do not grow back after cutting or falling: This is not true, a cat’s whiskers do grow back. all cats lose whiskers, i have a small collection of them, all found on the same chair. If they are brushed by anything, they can detect its proximity, texture, and size even when they cannot see that object. In my experience, cats do learn and can be trained over time not to fight, they just need to be monitored and scolded when they do act aggressively with another cat. That’s not all that obvious as far as hair loss goes. It’s why you should never cut a cat’s whiskers – cats use their whiskers to help them make decisions about the world around them, and if you cut them, you’re essentially handicapping one of their senses, the equivalent to stuffing cotton in their ears and making it difficult for them to hear. Is it normal for them to lose a whisker or two here or there, or is something wrong with my cat?”. While I don’t endorse whisker trimming, it’s not fair to call “Wade” anything negative. Let’s start off with why cats typically lose their whiskers, then we’ll get into what quantity and frequency is normal for them to shed and whether something may actually be wrong. A cat’s whiskers… what do they do besides tickle our faces in the middle of the night? Finally, since they help express their mood, you will not be able to know when your fluffy friend is scared, startled, excited, angry and so on since they form part of their body language for display such emotions. Top 7 High-Quality Beds to Keep Your Dog Warm Outside. A third: aggression or fighting with another cat. Upon seeing that whisker did you think, “Wait – why’s my cat losing whiskers? Do Cats Chew Their Food? VCA Hospitals says that almost 40 percent of a cat's brain is devoted to processing information from its touch sensors like whiskers. But this is not unique to cats in any way at all. Was it allergies, anxiety, stress, fights with another cat, or something else? It turns out, cat’s whiskers are an essential sensory mechanism. For a short time its not an issue but as the time lengthens it could be a sign that there is a problem with the skin or the coat. Some cats, like the Devon Rex, even have curly facial whiskers, so you might think that it wouldn’t be harmful to straighten them out with a little trim. Can Cats Eat Pumpkin, Including Pumpkin Pie or Seeds? Your email address will not be published. It is normal for a cat to lose and regrow whiskers as a result of natural shedding. Typically, only a few will be missing (one or two) and it is not even easy to notice that they are missing in the first place. vibrissae or tactile hairs do not help in keeping balance in cats. Some dog breeds shed hair like humans do – so slowly you would barely count it as shedding at all. Like dandelions or something along those lines? Copyright © 2021 Pet Care Advisors | All Rights Researved. They do shed from time to time, and that is normal. My mother’s cat, Walker, who is incredibly aggressive with cats took a large chunk of fur with one swipe from Avery’s face in the same spot his whiskers would grow in. But the first step is definitely the pet parent noticing, and zoning in on which cat is doing the damage in order to keep a closer eye on his or her actions. Small Cat Trees & Towers That Pack a Lot of Punch for Their Compact Size, Outdoor Cat Tents & Tunnels: For Indoor Cats Field Trips Outside. I accidentally trimmed one by mucking around, my cat was a bad mood cat. They help in feeling and sensing. Like any hair, they fall out and regrow. It was less than inch snipped. Grooming, trimming or cutting off a cat’s whiskers is a big no-no. I can relate or at least I think I can. Does it hurt if trim or cut a cats whisker????? Whiskers are connected to the nervous and muscular system making them very sensitive. There can be several reasons for a cat losing whiskers and most times its normal and not harmful. Welcome to KittyClysm - a blog for cat lovers & kitty keepers. You’re not taking the crazy cat lady/cat man thing to the next level. In addition to the eight to 12 cat whiskers your cat has on either … But once in a while, one of my cat’s whiskers would curl up into his eye, which seemed to bother him. And in my ears and mouth. If you like the posts on KittyClysm, please take a moment to subscribe to the email newsletter! Cutting it short (not plucking or shaving) seemed to bring him temporary relief (until it grew back). If it takes you 1 minute to brush your cat and you’ve barely got any hair off, you’re doing it wrong.. That’s OK — read this quick article and you’ll be on your way to avoiding the common mistakes people make when brushing their cat.. For these expert tips, we talked with Melissa Linhares-Upton, groomer …
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