You need to tell them in practice, before the game, during timeouts, at half time, and after the game. Number two, never turn your back. The passer should attempt to get as close to that line with the dribble prior to passing to the wing. How to: DEADLY Basketball FAKE Moves to Beat your Defender EVERY TIME! Maybe the next time I tell a team to do this, they won't look at me like, "Are you kidding?!". The ball should be thrown on a straight line with very little spin. If these two options don't work, the two guys up top delay to allow this to unfold and then run the same play with the goal of just getting the ball in bounds, a good option #3. The chest pass should go from your chest to receiver's chest You should step into the pass with your knees bent and follow through, with the ball coming off of your fingertips and your thumbs down. Have those players relay the ball from one end line to the other and back again. You are going to KNOW where your players should be through practice and naturally react to their same color uniforms. In this video lesson, Basketball Instructor, Travis Corpening, teaches how to do ball fakes. 3 players progress up the court passing the basketball’s back and forth to the middle player and then finishing the drill with two layups. Most effective when it begins with a shot fake or pass fake up high. The passing team ALWAYS wins(unless, of couse, they drop the ball or really miss a pass). Receive 72 drills, 32 plays & 7 shooting workouts! Keep passes out of the middle in transition. The pass fake is a critical skill for any basketball player to learn. The way you counteract the tough zone defense is with pass fakes. That means you're going to use most of the shooting mechanics that you used when we showed you earlier in the other clip. Passing a Basketball 5 Effective basketball passes Passing a Basketball 1. Although the pass looks hard it is quite simple. It's very simple and easy to implement, yet works extremely well against zone defenses. When executing an "L-Cut" you start at the block on the edge of the free throw lane and walk your defender up the side of the lane. Flick with your wrists making sure that the ball bounces two thirds of the way to the receiver of the ball. Stretch your arms to the side away from your pivot foot. Pass the ball by flicking the wrist six times from the right side and six times from the left side. What is the proper way to make the short side pass? Fake a move, get the reaction that exposes a potential weakness, then exploit it. You can also change the type of pass and the pivot that is used. With each pass fake, the defense moves in that direction (because they are trying to anticipate like their coach teaches them to). Make sure to finish off pointing in the direction of your pass. Stay low so you can maneuver precisely. Never turn your back. When passing the ball up the floor in transition, keep passes out of the center of the court. They should be approximately three to five feet away from each other. Start with the ball overhead and your elbows straight. Begin with your left foot as the pivot foot. The ball should not be put behind the head. First place the ball in your dominant hand and hold it there. The baseball pass is most often used to advance the ball up the floor. As the players continue to do this drill, they should change pivot feet. In releasing the ball, the player steps or puts weight on the front foot. This demonstration usually enlightens young players as to the importance of passing. The players all make a ball fake [2]. Not finding the advice and tips you need on this Basketball Tip Site? For the drill on making the proper passing communication, begin by having two players face each other about one yard in distance from one player to the other. A good rule of thumb when passing is to pass around or under a taller opponent, over a shorter one. The outside hand push pass is preferable and is an important pass to teach. Fake overhead and throw around.This will usually make the defender go for the first pass and clear some lane for a pass in the opposite direction. The passer throws the pass so that the receiver and the ball meet two yards after the cut inward is made. Legendary coach Bob Knight has said that two of the most important and under-taught fundamentals are the pass-fake and the shot-fake. The aim is to improve the chest pass technique. Spend time at every practice working on basketball passing drills. “Good passing is the best way to keep a cohesive team,” says Wharton. The passers hand must be BEHIND the ball so the pass doesn't have too much side spin, making it hard to catch. And believe it or not, pass fakes have been one of our biggest keys to success against good zone defenses. Beating the Zone - 75 Set Plays to Score Against Zone Defense Chest Pass . I call them, "No pass looks. The elbows should stay straight with the knees slightly bent so that the ball can be released closer to the floor. You should follow through as in chest pass with your thumbs down. Its still a work in progress. For the proper passing technique, begin with your arms up over your head with your elbows straight and your palms facing forward. Learn how to do basketball tricks with this Yo-yo tutorial from Snake. The passer from the guard spot should attempt to get to, what we call, the "Entry Line". To make the overhead pass, begin by having two players face each other. This is a full court 3 on 2 drill where you get lots of reps and have to make lots of decisions. This ensures a good angle to the wing and cuts down on the defense's chance of denying or intercepting the pass. Throw seven passes to each side. When passing the ball, step toward your receiver to put more power behind your pass. The best basketball advice my Dad ever gave me was, “Keep passing your teammates the ball even if they can’t catch your passes today, eventually you’ll be playing with players good enough to catch those passes.” You can’t get frustrated when a teammate drops a pass out of bounds or misses a layup after your pass. You need MULITPLE pass fakes on EVERY possession. These are a good way to trick the defender in basketball. (SIGN UP NOW FOR A FREE LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP! You always make the right decision and don’t turn the ball over. Start with the left foot as the pivot foot. This is option #1, but you usually won't get the shot because the defensemen will switch – which is OK because the guy you are actually looking for is the one who set the screen. Watch this pass fake basketball drill from the King James Academy for tips on mastering your passes. Practice this drill for five minutes. Assuming they are playing a man-to-man defense, a successful play starts by lining up your four players in a box formation: two down low and two up high, by the free through line (with your fifth man in-bounding the ball). One of the biggest problems with passing the ball into the post is passing from bad angles. The fingers should be spread apart. Position your arms to the right side, keeping your elbows straight. Practice this drill for six minutes and move the drill to the right side of the court. Always pass away from the defense and catch the ball with two hands. It is accurate and can be thrown a long distance. Repeat the drill four to six times. Start with the right foot as the pivot foot then switch to the left foot. TECHNIQUE Use chest passes first and progress to bounce and overhead passes. What is the proper technique for throwing a chest pass? Your palms should be facing the receiver of the ball. Good teams have players who look to pass the ball to the open player to take the ball to the basket or get a good look for a jump shot. Scouting, Preparation & Program Development, Various Basketball Videos and Training Aids, Make a Pass as You Pivot Away from the Defense, Passing the Ball to a Cutter from Midcourt. "It is great for moving a zone, and for freezing a zone (as you wrote), but also to take advantage of an overplaying man defense as well. 5. Move from the overhead pass, to the side pass and finally to the bounce pass. 32 Advance How the Drill Works: Players form 3 lines spread out evenly along the baseline. Then put the ball behind your back. Pass the ball six times in this position. Now you have the advantage and you have neutralized the quickness of their zone defense. Put a player at each end line, one at each free throw line and another at mid court. Whether it's a pass fake or a shot fake, it is up to the shooter to sell the fake in order to gain the advantage to drive the lane. Subscribe to our free monthly newsletter to receive three free eBooks with over 270 pages of content! Push forward with a thrust of both arms and a snap of the wrists. In fact many times it seems like the defenders are stuck in the mud. The ball is held straight up in the air avoiding any bend in the elbows. Then take the FASTEST dribbler and have him try to dribble to the opposite end and back before the group of FIVE players throw EIGHT passes. As your arms move down, bend your legs, as well. How to Pass a Basketball 7. Start with the ball overhead. The biggest mistake players make in faking is that they think they have to get through the fake quickly and get on with their real purpose—their move to the basket, and the result is a poor, unconvincing fake. Published: 05 December, 2018 . Players need to possess the ability to turn the dribble directly into a pass. Alternate the type of pass that is thrown every three minutes. The receiver can use his eyes, nose or head to do this. What is the proper way to make the overhead pass? This final lesson teaches us the fake pass. The fake drive-and-shot is designed to throw the defensive player off balance and force him back to make room for the shot. Passing in basketball is a way for players to move the ball on the court between teammates.Passing is a two-step process that requires a minimum of two players on the same team to be effective. How do you communicate between passer and receiver? Slowly move your arms to the right side keeping your elbows straight. Change pivot feet and use the same technique with the right foot. Timing and concentration are critical when receiving a pass a split-second after throwing one. 3 Simple Strategies to Attack a Zone Defense, Finally! If you're a "plays coach" and you use set zone plays to attack a zone, you should still teach players to use pass fakes. Since most of the traffic is running down the middle lane of the court, it's really hard to make a good basketball pass without it … This creates good backspin and makes the pass easier to catch. After the ball fake, all players pass to their right and immediately prepare to receive the oncoming ball. Bend your legs slightly, keeping your back almost straight. The ball is held with both hands on the ball, one on either side with the throwing hand usually a little higher on the ball. Bowling Pass. This pass is deceptive and is a great way to build up finger pad control and to build up wrist flexibility and strength.This should really become a fundamental pass and not a pass used for "showboating". One of the most deceptive passes is the behind the back pass. When to Use the Bowling Pass Whenever a player receives a bad pass, he or she should make sure that they regain their balance before throwing another pass. As a fake, flick your wrists without passing the ball. Related Pages & Helpful Resources It is better if you have a "soft focus" on the floor and see your teammates through your peripheral vision. Fourteen minus four is equal to? Passers should be in triple-threat position and work on pivoting and ball fakes to clear the passing lane. On the other end of some of those passes will be Sagaba Konate. To make the short side pass, have two players face each other. One bad pass can beget another. To throw a two-handed chest pass, start out by placing both hands on either side of the ball. As important as seeing your teammates is, seeing the DEFENSE may be more important. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Basketball tips and hundreds of other topics. Learn how to do basketball tricks with this Yo-yo tutorial from Snake. Outside hand passes: Many turnovers can be avoided if players develop the ability to pass with either hand, thus enabling them to use the outside hand to pass the ball and avoid the defense. Basketball Coaching » Basketball Drills » Basketball Passing Drills. With each pass fake, the defense moves in that direction (because they are trying to anticipate like their coach teaches them to). You need to constantly emphasize pass fakes and make it a piece of your zone offense. The pass is made over the defense, leading the receiver. The ball is cocked up near the ear to aid in a quick release. If a player must bring the ball through the middle of his body to make a two-handed pass or worse a pass with the inside hand, the defense has a chance to defend the pass and the pass becomes slower, thus getting to a shooter a second late, rather than perfectly in stride. However, you should concentrate on where the defense is, attack their weak areas and pass AWAY from the defensive player. How can I make my passes go where I want them to go? Pivot backward or forward with an 180 degree turn so that your back is facing the receiver of the ball. The key word here is "relentless". The Internet's #1 Website for Basketball Camps, Resources and Learning Products. No easy lob passes over the defender are permitted. Use the hands for two minutes before having the receiver use another method of communication. It's a great progression to build confidence, improve decision making, and cut down on bad passes before progressing to more difficult drills. Good defensive coaches teach their players to move on the pass -- as the ball is leaving the passers finger tips. To do so take EIGHT passes. These passes will be more difficult for that particular defender to stop. To make a pass as you pivot away from the defense, begin with two players facing each other. Sports >> Basketball >> Basketball Strategy Types of Passes Two-handed Chest Pass The two-handed chest pass is the basic pass in basketball. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. Passing the ball in basketball requires touch, vision, dexterity and strength. This drill for passing the ball to a cutter from midcourt is done with two or more players. In order for "pass fakes" to work effectively in your zone offense, you need to remind players more than once or twice. The passer, the post player and the basket should all be in a direct line. Continue to flick the wrists as you move your arms. The receiver sets up on the left sideline halfway to midcourt. Fake a pass - throw a pass. Same with "No Looks". How do you pass the ball and pivot simultaneously? Now the interesting part is what happens as the game continues. Using relentless pass fakes against a zone will create gaps, slow down defenders, and get you open shots. The ball should bounce about 2/3 of the way to the receiver. Have the receiver communicate to the passer where to throw the ball. Keys to passing-Eye contact. To make the bounce pass, begin by having two players face each other. The passer moves to the receiving line. In high school and youth basketball, I see so many tipped or intercepted passes, not only because the passer does not see the defense, but because he is looking right where he wants to pass ("telegraphing" the pass) and because he does not use a pass fake… How do you pass the ball to a cutter from midcourt? The bounce pass should travel from your waist to receiver's waist. They should be three to five feet apart. Sell the fake. How to Fake Pass in NBA 2K20. Start by having the two low players run the following: the man in front of player out of bounds sets a pick for other low player, and that player crosses over for the shot. In fact, you can teach players when to use fakes in the context of your set play to improve timing and keep the defenders off balance. I am looking for a good end line play for an under 12 boys team - do you have any suggestions? After catching the pass, the receiver dribbles back to the passing line down the right sideline. They aren't sure what you are going to do, so they wait to see where the ball goes and then they react. If you tell them 50 times, then they should start using enough pass fakes for it to be effective. The ball should be bounced about three quarters of the way between the players. After the fake the player then accelerates to the elbow of the free throw line where they receive the ball, shoots and if necessary follow up with a … Five Different Types of Basketball Passes. In fact, some of the best players in basketball history were people who could effectively pass the ball, like Magic Johnson who achieved an amazing 10,141 assists during his career in the NBA. What pass do I use to start the fast break? Basketball Passing: Post Entry Using a variety of post entry passes can lead to points in the paint for your team’s forwards and centers. Start out with the left foot as the pivot foot. When the pass is thrown correctly, the hands should rotate so that the backs of the hands face each other and the thumbs point down. Before you begin faking your passes you will need to know when to use it for maximum effect, make sure that you decide an area or teammate where you would like to progress to and then use the fake pass in another direction to …
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