If baby poop smells like vinegar, here are a few of the causes: 1. If your baby’s urine smells like vinegar, it could be due to dehydration or a UTI, or something you ate. That is exactly how it smells!! Baby poop smells of vinegar + slight diareha. And lots of other things. If your little one is already sick, her urine may smell of vinegar. Food Allergies. Baby poop can be as thick as peanut butter or mushier, like cottage cheese or yogurt. Dr. Donald Colantino answered. Here are some possible reasons to consider when your baby’s poop smells really bad:. What they eat – What babies eat as well as their health will make the smell more or less strong.Breastfed babies often do not have strong smelling stools. Since meconium is made of amniotic fluid, mucus, skin cells, and other stuff ingested in utero, it doesn't really smell – so you may not realize it's time for a diaper change.. i dont have a gallbladder since 7/27/20. It could be also due to acid reflux. However, babies that are formula-fed normally have solid and a little stinky poop. Breastfed baby poop usually looks like fancy mustard: yellow, seedy, or curdy. Formula poop … Expect to find a greenish-black, tarry, sticky poop that looks like motor oil in your newborn's diaper. I remember reading somewhere that some people say breastfed baby poop smells vinegar-like if a tooth is about to pop through. Baby poop varies almost on a daily basis based on the little ones’ state of health and the food they’ve been eating. 61 years experience Internal Medicine. But now her poop smells like vinegar, and the longer it sits outside of her body, the more potent it gets. Easy Baby Life: Reasons For Smelly Bowel Movements in Babies. Feb 28th '11. I totally can picture it smelling like vinegar. Report as Inappropriate. my urine and stool smells like vinegar. Baby stool smell vinegar Download Here Free HealthCareMagic App to Ask a Doctor All the information, content and live chat provided on the site is intended to be for informational purposes only, and not a substitute for professional or medical advice. Not sure how much truth there is to that but I remember thinking that was interesting! Food allergies or formula intolerance can show up in baby's stools. e. erenee926. The odor associated with a normal bowel movement is usually mild and it passes quickly. Why Does a Baby’s Urine Smell Like Vinegar? However, a healthy poop also should not smell too strongly or too awful. have not had this problem before. Add Friend Ignore-*-Kristen-*-33 kids; Maryland 5965 posts. 1. If you’re stinking up the bathroom to high heaven, enough to make yourself gag, it’s a sign of your poop trying to tell you something. You may notice changes like vinegar or sour smell, mucus in the stool, or even small traces of blood. Vinegar smell from urine could also mean that your baby may come down with a cold. I use cloth diapers, and even though I spray the diaper out in the toilet, after about 10 minutes, the once bearable vinegar smell turns into a foul smelling, make you want to gag, smell that fills my ENTIRE house. I love ebf baby poop smell. It's like this sweet sour mixture. Yep! A baby’s smell and shape of the poop reflects the diet they are taking in, which is why most breastfeeding babies either have a sweet-smelling poop or no smell at all. Posted 09/10/2010. Isasoph. ... She would start pushing what seemed like a fart then I heard the liquid fill the nappy but she didn't cry at the time, she just kind of grumbled a little. Add Friend Ignore. The smell of babies’ stools can vary a lot just like with adults. what could be causing this smell?
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